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Hi! First off I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking an interest in my book, it is greatly appreciated!! Secondly, I want to let y'all know that this is a first draft. The fully edited version will be available for pre-orders very soon on Amazon so if you like what you read be sure to vote, comment and follow me for updates <3

I have used Canva, a software which uses AI generated images by converting text to image- if you find any similarities to any work of art done by a person, or used in another book please let me know as the last thing I wish to do is infringe on someone else's copyright. 

There is zero AI generated text, the story itself is my own creation; only the pictures are AI generated (because I suck at drawing) to create a more immersive experience!

There will also most likely be some spelling mistakes as I am going between my laptop and phone, writing while commuting and sometimes it's 6am and you just can't expect someone to make sense so early! If you come across a mistake, feel free to comment and let me know so I can fix it for you :)

I sincerely hope you enjoy following Nia's journey throughout the Fae world!

Please vote, share and comment <3

xoxo Shannon xoxo

Etherea: The Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now