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The air within the castle dungeon was icy and damp, water trickled through cracks in the stone. Drip, drop, drip. Riona had not seen the sunlight in... she did not know for sure how long it had been. She awoke first as the Faelcu dragged her through the woods, cursed the sun and moon and all below as she felt that long forgotten buzz in her veins; they had entered Etherea. It was nothing like it had once been. Even during the war, the land remained strong; fighting against his decay. Riona knew they would pass through the Sapphire Court first, but could not believe her eyes at the sight of lifeless earth before her. She could see the High Lord Manor in the distance, a paltry speck of sickly green; where were the forests? The babbling brooks? Where the Faelcu ran, was once a crystal clear river filled with fish. Riona remembered it so clearly, she began to question her decision to flee. 

Riona slipped in and out of consciousness until, at last, they reached a towering gold castle. She had been somewhat relieved, on their journey, to notice that not all courts had suffered the same fate. What had they done to deserve such cruelty? Riona knew from experience, that it unfortunately did not take much to set off Ciars temper. Relief abandoned her as they came upon the towering golden gates of Duanes Castle. Not content with a High Lords Manor, he insisted upon having something bigger and better than the rest. Riona could not believe she once called him friend; even enjoyed his company. She cursed herself for not seeing his ambition for what it was; a danger to Etherea. The Elves had been here long before the Fae, yet some Fae still held the belief that Etherea belonged to them. Riona had been mistaken in allowing that belief to fester. She could never have imagined the strength of bitterness in a Faes heart. 

She had been a foolish girl, once. Too sure of her power, headstrong in her belief that she and her Fateful were untouchable. That her good intent could rid this land of eons of animosity. She had been wrong, so wrong. My daughter, she thought, my poor daughter. Riona felt riddled with guilt as she thought of Elvinia, alone in the world. She prayed the girl had run deep into the mortal world, crossed the great sea and never looked back. Riona knew it was a foolish hope, she had watched it unfold all those years ago.

It would be days before Duane decided to visit the lost Queen in his dungeon, he had stormed through the castle furiously. Riona did not know it then, but this had been the day Duane visited Torrins Manor. The iron gates of the dungeons screeched open, waking her from her restless slumber. The floor was like ice beneath her, Riona struggled to lift her bruised body from the ground. Duane stomped through the hallway until he reached the silver gates holding Riona, adorned with glittering jewels enchanted by Ciar himself; it was no ordinary cell. The Golden Lord laughed at the pathetic woman before him. Once tall and defiant, he remembered the shining gold armor she had worn; encrusted with rubies, glowing as she tore through their enemies. He stepped inside the cell, Riona flinched as the gates slammed shut behind him.

"You could have been something you know" Duane sneered at her. Riona supposed she should not be surprised that in the two hundred odd years she'd been gone, he remained consumed by his selfish whims. "Only with you by my side if I recall correctly" Riona spat back, it astounded her still; men could not envision a woman in power, without a man at her side. She had relented to her father's wishes and allowed herself to perpetuate this fallacy, and look what good it had done. Duane scoffed "I was a fool, you are a blight on Etherea, Ciar could have saved us all. You crippled him" Riona gawped at Duane "you cannot be serious, Duane, this is all he has ever wanted; the world clawing at his feet, since he stepped on the shores of Ranere. What lies has he told you?" She should not have been shocked, Ciar had always been an excellent liar, Duane had listened to his lies for centuries. 

Duane could not help himself, his hand moved of its own accord as it raised and crashed against her pale face. Riona hissed as his golden rings sliced through her flesh "your daughter is just as much of a stupid bitch" Duane snapped as he wiped the blood from his jewellery. At this, Rionas head snapped up. Her violet eyes pierced him, Duane felt a ripple of unease as he glanced once more at the gems lining the cell "my daughter will rip you limb from limb" "oh I think not" Duane cackled as he reached into his pocket, a plethora of letters fell at Rionas feet.

Her mouth fell open as she recognised Elvinia's handwriting. They were love letters. Riona glared at Duane "you're just like him, ploying on a young girl to get to her power; she will see right through you, as I do now" he was still the same arrogant, selfish boy she had known all those years ago. Only, in the clarity of age, it no longer enticed her; it infuriated her. "We shall see, we shall see. For now, rest your majesty. Your husband has been looking for you" before Riona could retort, Duanes fist came crashing into her face. 

Her mind raced as she slept, she felt suffocated. Riona reached out for her daughter, but found nothing in return. The cell blocked her magic almost completely. Almost. As Elvinia's screams rang throughout the Sapphire Court, as a thousand tendrils of her magic stretched across Etherea; a bolt of lightning crashed through Riona. Riona jolted from her sleep, sweat pouring down her back. It has happened, she realised, Elvinia has begun to transform. Guilt filled her once more as she cursed Duane for finding them.

The weeks continued like this, Duane grew more restless with each day Elvinia did not run to him. Riona grew to find relief in his attacks, for it meant her daughter had escaped him once more. One day, as she leaned against the scalding silver bars of her cell, Duane had left the doors above open. Riona could hear him, roaring at his Faelcu for losing Elvinia to the Silver Court. Her heart stopped at that, not Oisín's Court, please. Riona prayed to whatever Gods were left to keep her daughter safe in that treacherous court. She shared Torrins opinion of the Silver Lords, only she did not know this yet. What she remembered of Oisín was not good, he took what he wanted and struck down all in his way. Mistakenly, she had not made him a priority; despite his barbarity he had been a damned good politician.  Now, she wished she had cut him down when she had the chance. 

Three days later a servant girl appeared at her cell. Riona eyed her cautiously, golden shackles disguised as bracelets rested on her wrists, her chestnut hair cut jaggedly to her ears, frightened hazel eyes looked back at her. The girl said nothing as she stepped into the cell, holding a shaking tray of food and medical supplies. "I will not hurt you" Riona told her softly, those hazel eyes darted around the dungeon as she placed the tray in front of Riona; before she ran from the cell. Riona watched her run, startled at her suddenness. Cell doors snapped shut once more and she stifled a groan. Tentatively, Riona poked at the food. She had not eaten much since she arrived, nausea had wracked her stomach as a stale bread loaf had been thrown through the bars each day. 

Her stomach grumbled as the smell wafted upwards, oh to hell with it, Riona thought and tucked into the meal gratefully. As she ate she noticed a slip of paper beneath her glass, glittering silver letters caught her eye. The servant girl could not have written this, she realised, as she scanned the magnificent handwriting 'she is safe, she is searching for you, she is fighting'. Rionas heart swelled, so all was not lost as it had seemed. A new purpose filled her as the slip of paper evaporated into smoke. If Elvinia is fighting, I will not leave her to fight alone.

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