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This has been a terrible idea, Nia thought; as they trudged through slop and sludge, covered in dirt; bruised and battered. It had not begun that way, no, their journey began in the scorched lands of the Sapphire Court and oh how Nia longed for the burning heat of the sun once more, all she had known for days now was a murky mist. They had crossed that dreadful river, rested for the night and found in the morning light that Galeria lay just ahead. One would not think a place such as this existed in a land so mystical, yet the stench of despair stung their senses. Unease still rattled her as she thought of Ciar invading her mind. How had he done so? Had he done so before, without her noticing? Her thoughts raced. They had not spoken of it.

The air that choked them was different from the purple fog that still swallowed Breága, a green vapor that hissed from the swamp itself. Nia wrinkled her nose in disgust as she heard something squelch beneath her boot. Maeve glared at the lot of them as she hiked her dress above her waist, it would do little good; the gown was destroyed. The Emerald Lady questioned her sanity for following them, although she knew to turn down a journey such as this would be a regret she could not live with. Torrin held Rian above his shoulders, Bronco rested in Uaines arms. The poor dog whined as the swampy water rose to their waistline. Nia found her feet walking of their own accord as her mind wandered.

Nia felt scattered, lost. There was too much suffering, far too much. It pierced her heart like a million daggers, grief, pain, anger, sorrow, she felt it all. It was suffocating, she struggled to keep her head up as she walked; I am their last hope, she winced, I must ignore the darkness. None acknowledged the internal war raging within their future Queen. She squashed the storm threatening to burst from her bones and quietly attempted to quell her anger. Nia could not control her emotions much longer.

"Tell me once more, why are we doing this?" Maeve grimaced as dirt and algae sloshed around her "Nia is a Fate-Swayer, Ciar has cast a spell so that we do not have any idea what that means, we... found a woman who told us of a man in Galeria who could help us" Uaine explained to his sister, Maeve narrowed her eyes at his hesitation; she recalled his memories to her mind and flicked through them until she found the hidden chamber beneath the Sapphire Court "that woman must be destroyed" Maeve said instantly. Nia's eyes flickered with annoyance "of course you would think so" Torrin glanced sideways at Nia "lest you have forgotten, you almost drove your dagger into Nessas heart" she glowered at him, Torrin felt himself stepping back. Nia said nothing, just stomped ahead. That was different, she had wanted to say; but found herself choking on the words. Instead, she followed her feet once more. She had known for a while now, exactly where Abbán hid; she did not know how, just that she felt where each step should be without thought.

Torrin shared a look with Uaine, something had drastically changed in her. Rian cursed that he could do nothing but watch, they had not spoken of it; but Rian had been aging unnaturally slow, even for a Fae. In truth, he felt useless. Even Maeve could see, from looking through Uaines memories the girl had grown darker. Perhaps they had made a terrible mistake, what if she chose her father? They followed Nia nonetheless, until the mist thinned and the water turned clear. The twins looked around in wonder as wisps of light magic danced around them. An island sat in the middle of the crystal lake, and atop it grew a towering hawthorn tree. Torrin gripped his brother tighter as the bells of pixie laughter rang in his ears.

"So, you have come at last" a smooth, deep voice echoed across the water. Nia looked at the tree as it began to rustle, its bark split and unraveled to reveal a frail man; he stumbled from the bark with a wheezing breath. Nia reached to steady him and walked him to a bench beside the tree. "Abbán?" Nia asked, the old man laughed; she could have sworn dust spilled from his breath. "What is left of him, and you... you look just like your mother" Nia sighed at that, my mother, now we are one step closer to finding you.

Etherea: The Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now