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The air had turned cold, the further they ventured North. Nia found herself grateful for the horses Erin had gifted them as day turned to night and then back again. Their green surroundings were a welcome change to the barren Sapphire Court. It only strengthened her hatred for her father, he had done this. Fractured the lands and their people. For what? Control? Nia found herself scoffing outwardly. Uaine looked to her curiously as he conversed with Rian. He said nothing as her brow creased. Fury licked at her bones as her thoughts turned bitter. Ciar was her blood, her legacy was pain and suffering. My father, it made her sick to think, brought this land to its knees. A wicked thought crossed her mind, she would see him on his knees before her. She would force him to beg as she ripped every ounce of power from him, as she stripped the earth of every darkness he had poured into Etherea. Vengeance will be mine, she thought as she looked at her friends, and justice shall be theirs. A violent wind rushed through the group, Torrin and Rian thought nothing of it. Uaine saw it. Her rage, a billowing gust rippling across their path. 

Leaves were torn from their branches; the trees groaned as they bent. She would rip Ciars heart from his chest; he would watch before he fell, as she burst the blackened thing in her hands. She did not want his end to be swift, he deserved no peace. For all that he has done, he deserves no mercy. He gave none, why should he receive it?  The horses reared as the wind grew, Uaine turned to the girl as crimson light shined around her "Nia, whatever plagues your mind, you must let it rest" he called above the wind. Rian and Torrin turned then, had not noticed the burning rage that grew in Nias heart. "My father will rue the day he took my mother's' hand" she said softly, yet the winds carried it like a roar. Uaine scanned the forest around them as her power shook the earth. 

Nia felt it coming. Did not know what  was coming, but she was ready for it nonetheless. The horses bucked. Nia jumped to the ground and pulled her supplies from the animal "what are you doing?" Torrin asked incredulously, as he barely managed to steady his steed. Rian found himself struggling to cling to the reins of the fretful horse. Uaine followed the girls lead, for as powerful as his sight was; Nia could see things that were to be and he would not question her again after the Faelcu attack. Torrin groaned as he jumped from his own horse, he grabbed the bucking pony beneath Rian and settled it so his brother would not be thrown into the forest. That would be the last thing he needed. 

A glistening silver light glowed, seconds before Lorcan stepped from it. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight that met his eyes. There she was, the girl that had plagued his mind since he left her in Avenere. Her eyes grew wide, Torrin drew his sword. Uaine stepped in front of Nia as Rian grabbed his bow. Nias heart swelled at the protective circle they had created around her. Lorcans stomach dropped at her fear as she looked at him. "This... This is unexpected" Lorcan laughed, in an attempt to ease the tension of the situation. It did not work. Torrin stepped towards the Silver Prince and raised his sword towards the man's neck. Lorcan had a choice. He could call his brothers, watch them rip the Fae men apart and take Nia to his Manor while the carnage raged; but it would solve nothing, it would not aid his plans. 

So, Lorcan merely glanced at the sharp steel aimed at his throat and raised a brow "pray tell, Torrin, what brings you and your merry band-" Lorcan looked once more to the scarlet haired girl within their shield "to my lands?" Nia steadied her breath and shut her eyes, letting her power fill her. It rolled over Lorcan, examining him. The fear that flowed from within him had her eyes widening once more "forgive us please, your grace" it took every ounce of strength Torrin had to keep his eyes squarely on Lorcan; to not whip his head around and ask the girl what in the Fates she was doing. He cared about his sister, yes, but he would sacrifice all hope of saving Tara to keep Nia from the Silver Courts grasp. Nia laid a hand on Uaines shoulder and gently pushed the Fae aside. Torrin heard her footsteps and moved himself into her path.  Nia struggled not to smile at his protectiveness. 

She supposed she would never grow accustomed to it, to others stepping up for her. It had always been the reverse. With her eyes locked on Lorcan, Nia side-stepped Torrin and willed herself to ignore the accusing look he cast at her. Lorcans silver eyes watched the scene curiously, how she said nothing yet everything all the same as she stepped around the Fae poised to cut him down where he stood. "They have travelled with me, for me. We did not mean to cause offense, in truth we did not mean to trespass" Nia summoned her most desperate, devastated expression as she looked through her lashes at him "we were attacked by the Faelcu, we had no choice" the false sob that bubbled up her chest surprised even Nia. It unnerved her; how easy it was to switch her demeanour, to suit the target. There it was again, that word. Nia shook the thought from her head and brought her focus back to Lorcan. 

She had him. They could all see it; his focus gone at the doe-eyed look she gave him. Lorcan groaned "when I set out on my morning patrol, I did not expect this" Lorcan scowled towards the Fae men before him "I can't let you just go" Lorcan thought for a moment, as her desperate eyes pierced his soul. He sighed as he came to his decision. He could play this to his favor "I shall make you a deal" it was Rian who scoffed this time, raising his bow once more "deals with the devil are for fools" the young Fae spat at the High Lord, it surprised them all. Despite Rian never knowing his sister, he knew too well the pain her loss had caused his brother. Torrin may be strong in physical strength, but his mind had been a wreck for far too long after Ciar stole her away. "I think you'll find you have little choice" Lorcan bit back, his features softened as he looked back to Nia "I will let you go, but we must make it believable that your companions fought me and won; and you will return to my court on your journey back. You would be surprised at the rumors which have already circulated in my Court, the dark and vengeful Elvinia; captured by High Lord Torrin. I have but one condition, you come alone" Lorcan did not miss the scowl on Torrin's face. 

Nia contemplated it, he was correct, they had no choice. Unease filled her at the perception the people here had of her. It served another purpose; this would give her access to his court and Tara. Nia thought it might help her find Duane and her mother, perhaps she could convince the two 'Princes' to battle each other for her and she could run with her mother in the chaos."How should we make them believe you lost?" Nia asked, although she suspected it would be something Torrin would enjoy. "I suppose I shall have to let your protectors land a few shots, a rare opportunity for them I am sure" Lorcan confirmed her suspicions. Nia tried to ignore the smirk on Torrin's face as he sheathed his sword and raised his fists. Torrin wanted to feel  the Silver Lords bones break. For they had ripped his sister from his arms and poisoned her mind so terribly that he had not heard from her in years. Almost gleefully, Torrin swung his fists at Lorcans face, Nia looked away. She did not wish to see the satisfaction awash Torrins face as he beat the Silver Prince. It was necessary, she reasoned; so they might find a way to defeat Ciar. 

As the men mounted their horses once more, Nia turned back to Lorcan; his face battered and bruising. "I am sorry we have put you in this position" she told him truthfully as she used the fabric of her cloak to wipe the blood from his brow. Lorcan forced a smile through his wince and winked at the girl "I will find a way for you to repay me". Before they had a chance to reply, Lorcan had snapped his fingers and they found themselves miles away; in a completely different environment. "Bastard" Uaine cursed as his stomach churned. Nia stumbled as her feet hit the ground with a skid. Blankets of blinding white snow covered their path. Towering mountains stood above them. Nia looked around for her horse, only to find it had been left behind. She was grateful that she had grabbed her supplies at least. 

Torrin noticed her predicament and extended a hand, she gripped it gratefully and allowed him to hoist her on to the saddle, glad it could fit them both. "Where are we?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around Torrins warm waist, he shivered at her touch. "The edge of the Silver Court. We must travel through the mountain pass, into the Emerald Court, and there we will find Galeria" Unease filled them as they ventured towards the mountain path. The darkness of the stone above threatened to swallow all who dared enter. It would not have been Uaine or Torrins first choice, but it would take days to change their route to a safer path. With cautious steps and held breath, they began the treacherous journey between the mountain pass. 

Mountains that encased their people deep within.

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