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Silence filled the carriage as they journeyed forward. Torrin did not miss Erins brown eyes darting from her companions to the clear glass at her side. "We do not wish to cause you trouble, your kindness thus far has been more than enough" Torrin told her truthfully. Their journey was theirs to bear and he would not want to burden another with their troubles. Erin shook her head as they drew nearer to her home. It was not grand, like Torrin or Duanes Manors, yet Nia felt at ease when the carriage pulled to a stop outside Erin's homestead.

It was made of wood and stone and grew from within the earth around it. "You have a lovely home" Erin cast a grateful- albeit uneasy smile at Uaine "it is not much, but it is mine" Nia could relate to that as she remembered the thatched roof and stone walls of her own home. It felt so far away now, yet she longed for supper at that table with her mother "It is wonderful" Nia told her, truth rang in each word. At this, Erins shoulders eased. They stepped into the doorway and a refreshing warmth filled Nias bones. The coldness of the night had caused a chill to creep within her.

Erin guided them into her home, it opened out into a vast space and Nia noticed lights illuminating entrances to various tunnels. Uaine and Torrin shared a knowing look at the awe and wonder that glistened within Nia's eyes. Most Fae homes outside of the cities were built within their surroundings. Before their powers had been drained, many Fae had fashioned grand homes within giant Toadstools and Broadcap mushrooms. Winged Fae would carve their homes in the side of the tallest mountains, some preferred the trees. He vowed to show her one day, those grandurs that had been forgotten, Torrin imagined the delight on her face and it filled him with warmth. Rian tiredly followed the group, the cold still nipped at his bones and he felt himself less inclined to care about his surroundings as he stepped in line with the others. He had been almost killed, handled roughly and thrown into a river. Rian was most definitely in a foul humor as his feet squelched alongside him, none had thought to dry the scowling Fae. Rian did not dare attempt it, for his magic was so unpredictable he feared he might accidentally set himself alight.

Nia noticed, as they walked, portraits adorning each side of their path. She scarcely had a moment to look at each, as her companions kept a quick pace towards a hot meal. A striking painting of Erin and a broad man with chestnut hair caught her eye. By the loving looks they shared within the canvas, Nia assumed it was Erins husband. The sight of a table laden with a feast made their stomachs growl. Erins shoulders released their tension and she laughed while gesturing to the table laden with an assortment of breads, meats, cheeses and fruits before them "help yourselves" Rian needed no further prompt. The young Fae lunged towards the bounty in his sight. Torrin gripped the collar of the hasty child's' shirt and gave him a stern look "where are your manners?" He asked, his jaw taught. Nia felt her hands slide across his shoulders of their own accord "let the boy eat" she said gently, and Torrin felt his grip loosen on Rians collar; yet Rian knew his brother was right. So, he turned to Erin and bowed with as much grace as he could, still covered in mud "thank you" Erin shook her head with a laugh "eat, before you fall over, and I shall have hot baths drawn for each of you" Erin left them as they sat at the table. Rian almost cried at the thought of being clean again.

They were famished, neither had realised how much so; not until that first bite of food crossed their lips. It did not take long for each to fill their bellies. Sated and safe, they rested in their chairs as Erin returned to the room. She laughed at the sight of them, but Torrin noticed that her smile did not reach her eyes. Erin guided each to their own personal washroom. Nia marveled at the size of the building, it seemed to go on for days. "What has brought you across the border?" Erin asked as they walked. Nia had expected to be questioned sooner or later. She would have preferred the latter. 

Her shoulders slumped as she wrestled with her answer. Nia decided Erin had done nothing to prove she could not be trusted, but knew better than to reveal too much "we are traveling to meet a man who might know more about my mother" a half-truth, it was the best she could muster. Erin's face filled with sympathy "it is awful what has happened to your family" the blonde said as she rested a hand on Nia's shoulder. Nia had not thought of Ciar as her family. For it had always just been Nia and her mother. Sure, she had been curious as a child but Nia had never felt like she was missing anything. It was still strange to think her father was out there at all, nevermind what he was. "I shall leave you to get some rest. Goodnight Elvinia" with that, Erin took her leave. Nia entered the grand washroom, a steaming tub stood proud in the middle of the room. Nia almost wept at the sight.

She sunk, gratefully, into the hot water once Erin had left. Nia let it soak her aching limbs as her mind raced in the silence. The Faelcu had been so close to catching them, she had scarcely had a moment to think. Nia scrubbed at her flesh as she willed Rians frightened eyes out of her mind. When a strong knock sounded against the door, Nia realised she had almost scrubbed her legs raw "just a minute" she called out, fresh nightwear and a silver silk robe lay folded neatly atop the sink. Nia had not noticed anyone bring them in. Perhaps, she thought, the Fae here have more power because of the loyalty their Lords have shown Ciar. The thought sickened her. Nia could not hold it against Erin, as she donned the fresh clothes.

Nia found Torrin, leaned against the doorframe, in all his magnificence. His intense blue eyes raked over her, the silk nightgown peeked from the slit of her robe. Torrin sucked in a breath as he forgot his words "yes?" Nia questioned, her eyes sparkling up at the Fae Lord. Torrin shook the wicked thoughts from his mind as her tongue traced across her lips "if you don't mind, I have asked Erin that we share quarters. Uaine and Rian shall room together, as shall we" Nias pulse quickened at that. Goosebumps raked across her flesh "if, that is, it's alright with you?" Torrin asked, suddenly nervous. Nias voice betrayed her as she whispered "that's alright with me" she had meant it to sound nonchalant. Instead, her heady tone sent Torrins mind into a whirlwind.

She cursed herself as she followed Torrin through the hallway to their room for the night. Her mind flickered back to the dance, to his lips at her ear and his hands at her waist. Nia willed her mind to calm itself as they stepped into the room. While Nia glanced around and absorbed her cosy surroundings, Torrins eyes lay squarely on the singular bed in the middle of the room. It took Nia a moment more to come to the same realisation "I can ask Erin if there is another bed, or I can sleep on the floor" Torrin offered, ever the gentleman. Nia shook her head "Erin has done enough for us, we should let her rest. This bed is big enough for us both, I won't have you sleeping on the floor" Torrin decided not to argue with her, giving in to that selfish person of him that wanted to lay in the same bed as her once again. Nia was highly aware this time would be much different than before, she had been terrified of the púca and what may come for her within the night. This time, despite her worry about the Faelcu, Nia knew she could defend them should anything attack while they slept and it gave her comfort to know Torrin would be there to aid her.

The crackling fire in the corner of the room flickered soft light across Nias skin as she slipped the robe from her shoulders. She did not miss the subtle glances Torrin chanced as she stepped towards the four poster bed. Torrin could barely hide his disappointment as she slid beneath the covers, until he realised she too was sneaking glances. Nia could not be blamed, for although she had never been bothered with the boys from her village; she did not claim to be blind. Her mind scrambled as Lorcan's face flashed before her, followed by Duanes. What has become of me? She wondered. 

Nia felt her heartbeat race as he shrugged off his coat and kicked off his shoes, each landing with a soft thud. His fingers gripped the edges of his shirt and Nias breath hitched as he pulled the fabric away; his muscles flexed as he moved. Her mind clouded. Torrin had heard her gasp, had clung to every ounce of self control he had as he removed his belt. Nias thoughts turned wicked, it surprised her. She almost checked herself for a fever. Surely I am ill to be thinking like this, she thought with a frown. Torrin's lips tugged upwards at the disappointment on her 'sleeping' face when he climbed into the bed next to her. Nia could not lie to herself, she would have enjoyed seeing the rest of his clothing fall to the floor. Guilt wracked her as the chains of Duane's enchantments tightened around her heart for her betrayal of the Golden Prince. Too tired to curb her thoughts, she drifted into a frustrated slumber.

At some point throughout the night, the sleeping pair became entangled. This proved to be a problem as Erin attempted to shake them awake. Torrin woke before Nia, saw the girl wrapped in his arms first; then he noticed the fretful look that blanched Erins face "you must leave, I have prepared supplies and horses for you. It is the best I can do" her eyes darted to the door "my husband... he would not be so sympathetic to your... situation" at that she cast a worried look at the waking girl. Erin rushed them to the road; where Uaine and Rian awaited. 

Nia turned and thanked Erin for all she had done for them. Erins eyes welled with tears as she gripped Nias hands "be safe, I will do what I can if you should need aid in the future. You need only ask" Nia felt her heart constrict as Erin released her hand before running back to her home. It had been a brief respite, but a welcome one all the same and they set out once again.

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