
467 7 1

me: hi luke

luke: holy crap

me: sorry for disappearing for a week

me: i got all your messages. thank you.

luke: are you alright?

me: dont you know the kids aren't alright

luke: love it

luke: but seriously

luke: how are you?

me: eh, im a tad bit bummed

me: but im mainly over it.

me: i just have to accept it

luke: okay no you dont. your best friend
is now sleeping(dating?) with your ex.
you do not have to forgive or accept that.
if it will effect your mental health, drop
them both and fuck how they feel about it.

me: thanks luke <3

luke: anytime (:

me: whats your favorite animal

luke: oh we're doin this again okay

luke: penguins for sure. you?

me: lemurs.

luke: lemurs?

me: yeah, and snow leopards!

luke: lemurs and snow leopards

me: yep!

luke: favorite flower

me: hmm

me: probably orchads

me: wbu?

luke: sunflowers

me: ha

luke: what?

me: your name is the same as luke hemmings' and so is the flower. funny

luke: ya weird coincidence

me: i think youre a bigger fan than me

luke: i dont doubt that

me: oh really?

luke: test me cmon

me: whens ash's birthday?

luke: july 7th. 1994.

me: calums full name

luke: calum thomas hood

me: what was the name of one of the first m&g's of 5sos.

luke: derpcon

me: ok we're getting harder now

luke: oh boy

me: who started 5sos

luke: luke hemmings

me: what 1d tour did they start on?

luke: take me home. duh.

me: when did the band get noticed. what year?

luke: 2011

me: i think it was 2012

luke: no it was 2011

me: i dont think so

luke: i think so

luke: i mean i would know

me: wdym?

luke: nothing

me: no wdym???

luke: nothing forget i said anything

me: youre being weird luke

luke: no im not

luke: just been a long day

me: you okay?

luke: yeah thanks

luke: just tired and stressed. wish i could
be without my three best friends for just
one freakin day

me: why cant you?

me: do you share a house together?

luke: kinda.. its hard to explain

luke: we work together

me: like at your music shop?

luke: yea kinda

luke: i should probably go

luke: they wanna um watch a movie

luke: ttyl bye sam

me: bye luke.

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