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sam sighed, grabbing her suitcase from the conveyor belt, glancing around and frowned when she didn't see any of the boys or addie. maybe they're running a little late, she thought to herself, walking over to the front doors of the airport.

after waiting ten minutes, she pulled out her phone, quickly texting addie.

sam: where are you guys?

addie: stuck in traffic, be there in fifteen x

she let out a quiet sigh, resting her head back onto the wall as she sat down on the floor. she wasn't exactly thrilled to be seeing luke again, even if they had talked, there was still a lot unresolved.

sam appreciated his apology, but it didn't just make everything go away. sure, she had missed him and hoped things would be different, but she didn't exactly know what to expect. luke was never supposed to treat her how he did before, yet he did.

fifteen minutes blew by, and soon she saw the group of four enter the airport. ashton was the first to rush over and yank her into a tight hug. after lifting her and spinning her around, he finally put her down and addie took over to wrap the girl in a tight hug. michael and calum both gave the girl tight squeezes and she noticed now that luke wasn't here.

"he's at rehearsal, we have a show tonight and he had to stay back. he said he'll see you at the show." michael told her, being the one who noticed how she looked for luke instantly. she nodded, calum grabbing her bags before they all walked out to the car.

they shoved her suitcase in the trunk, her being able to sit in the passenger seat while ashton drove. "he's been a mess." ashton told her quietly once they had taken off and the three in the back were in a conversation. "he almost called you probably fifty times."

sam frowned, her head dropping to her lap. "its just so complicated now. i know he apologized and i appreciate it, but, the reasons i came back wasn't for him." she admitted, chewing at her lip. she was glad her and luke were 'okay' now, or at least on the road to be, but she couldn't just forgive him like that.

luke really hurt her when he chose her, when he practically had to beg the girl to uproot her life and follow him. he got her to go and it was like the chase was over so luke didn't care. that's how she felt anyway.

and to accuse her of getting with ashton? she only saw ashton as a friend, and ashton saw her the same exact way. neither of them were attracted to one another or harboring secret feelings, it was nothing but platonic for ashton and sam both.

"i'm not excusing what he did but, it did look bad in the kitchen." ashton chuckled softly, a small attempt at brightening the mood. when sam let out a little giggle, he grinned, happy he made the girl at least laugh. "just.. after the concert, i think you two oughta talk." he stated.

sam nodded, not sure if she was ready but she knew luke probably was. she was nervous but as long as luke respected her when they spoke, she knew she'd be fine.

as they pulled up to the venue, they all piled out, ashton tossing his keys to security. "grab her bags from the trunk and take them to the bus, please." he told the man, patting his shoulder before linking his arm with sam's. "i'm gonna take you backstage, because luke has a surprise that you can't see or hear until the concert."

she nodded, her stomach flipping at the idea that luke had a surprise for her. she was curious what it was, but she figured it would be better to let him surprise her.

so, ashton lead her and addie back to one of the dressing rooms, leaving them to go start soundcheck. the two girls took the time to catch up and talk about luke, until a security guard knocked and let them know it was time to head into the crowd.

when he lead them to their places, sam grew excited that she was in the front row right on the side luke stayed. she had a feeling it was part of the surprise, but she held all her questions in until the end.

after an hour, the arena was full and the boys finally came out on stage. screams all around rang through the two girls ears, sam yelling along with them which caught luke's attention. he grinned, looking down at the girl who he was absolutely smitten for. "hello, san francisco!" he yelled, cheers all around before he glanced over at michael who started strumming the familiar melody on his guitar. "this is youngblood, lets go!"

the concert was absolutely amazing, and sam loved every minute of it. once they had gotten through their setlist, sam was placing her items back into her purse when she heard luke speak up again. "we have one more song!" he yelled, sam turning back to the stage with an eyebrow raised. "this special cover song tonight is dedicated to the beautiful samantha rayne."

her eyes widened, her stare not breaking from luke's as he sent her a subtle smirk before calum started singing. "hello there, the angel from my nightmare. the shadow in the background of the morgue, the unsuspecting victim of the darkness in the valley. we can live like jack and sally if you want."

sam couldn't believe her ears. she remembered once she mentioned to luke that one of her favorite covers was i miss you by blink-182 and here he was, making it happen after years of not playing it. calum finished up his part, luke taking over. "where are you? and i'm so sorry." his voice nearly caused sam's knees to go weak.

the once high pitched voice was replaced by one with depth and tone. she could've swore the voice in her head said she loved the boy, but she chose to ignore that. "i cannot sleep, i cannot dream tonight. i need somebody and always, this sick strange darkness comes creeping on, so haunting every time."

his eyes locked onto hers, taking her breath away as he sang. "as i stared, i counted, the webs from all the spiders. catching things and eating their insides, like indecision to call you. and hear your voice of treason. will you come home and stop this pain tonight? stop this pain tonight."

as the rest of them joined in to sing the chorus, sam's eyes were full of tears. he bent down, almost eye level with the girl who had somehow taken his heart over. "don't waste your time on me, you're already.. the voice inside my head." he sang directly at her, her heart racing inside her chest.

addie screamed in excitement with the rest of their fans as luke and sam's eyes locked. he was panting from singing so high, and she was panting because of him singing to her. the lights went out and she could vaguely see the boys heading off stage. she pushed through people, careful not to knock anyone down as she tried to race back towards backstage.

she needed to talk to luke, she needed to just get everything out in the open and they needed to fix things.

once she got through the massive crowd, she almost raced back to the dressing room she knew he'd be in, her heart pounding inside her chest.

surely if he did that, he must want her too, right?

she brushed out the uncertainty from her brain, wasting no time before bursting into the room. her eyes widened when she saw luke in nothing but a towel, her opening the door taking him by surprise....

....which caused him to drop the towel.

AN; double update yay.

hope you're having a great day & enjoy this chapter because there wont be another until next saturday (:


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