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luke: hey sam!

me: hi luke!!

me: sorry i tried to call you last night

luke: thats okay

luke: im sorry i couldn't answer ):

luke: yk work.

me: its fine! addie was soooo excited

me: and she asked me a question i
didn't know the answer to so i figured
i needed to ask?

luke: ask away (:

me: are we

me: meeting at the show?

luke: uh, do you want to?

me: why wouldn't i

luke: well i am a stranger

me: considering weve known each
other almost three weeks id say youre
not a total stranger

me: but if you dont want to

luke: idk i just need to think about it

luke: if thats okay

me: yea thats fine

luke: how was your day?

me: fine you?

luke: it was okay

me: i gotta go, work.

luke: bye sam!!

luke: sam?

luke: cmon sam its been six hours

luke: are you mad at me ):

luke: ok respond whenever you can

me: sorry, work was really busy ):

me: im not mad at you

luke: promise?

me: i promise.

luke: how was work?

me: ugh

me: it sucked so bad

me: i had a customer throw their
coffee all over me for not using
1% milk instead of 2%....

luke: what an ass

me: right??

me: people just treat us like trash

luke: i know how you feel

luke: i get treated like a show prize

me: i mean

me: you ARE cute

luke: you think im cute? (;

me: not anymore (:

luke: ):

luke: that was mean yknow

me: cry to your pillow about it

luke: damn

luke: moody much

me: i did get hot coffee thrown on me

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