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sam sat in the classroom, her eyes flickering from her laptop to her professor, studying every movement he made and wrote every note he said. she furrowed her brows in confusion, quickly typing to keep up before the timer went off from his phone. "okay class, i'm afraid that's all we have time for." he sighed, shutting his own laptop before students began flooding out of the classroom.

sam shoved her laptop in her bag, standing before leaving the lecture hall. she made her way outside, thankful that was the last class of the day, already exhausted after just three lectures.

her phone ringing broke her from her train of thought about the culinary history of france they were currently studying, her eyes looking to see michael's name flashing across the screen.

with no hesitation, her finger clicked the green button before she lifted it to her ear. "hey, mikey. perfect timing, i just finished my last class."

his laugh flooded through the phone, bringing a smile to her lips for the first time that day. "glad to hear. how is the life of a full time college student?" her sigh told him a lot, causing another laugh. "that bad, huh?"

she unlocked her car, slipping inside before putting the phone onto the holder in her car, buckling her seatbelt. "worse." she confirmed, silence sounding around the two friends. "is luke home?" she hesitated before asking, afraid the answer would be no and afraid of how her mind would wonder.

michael blew a raspberry, staying quiet for a moment before he finally spoke. "no, he usually isn't when we're at a stop." he admitted, sam's heart sinking. "he's probably just out with otis."

her eyebrows furrowed. "who is otis?" she couldn't stop the words before they were fumbling from her lips.

"the new assistant." michael said, the sound of chewing now echoing in sam's car, her face contorting to a grimace. "i haven't heard you call him, is everything okay?"

she frowned, her eyes focused on the road as she thought about how to answer. "yeah, we've both just been.. busy." she lied. the truth was, she could barely get luke to answer her and when he did he was only there for a few minutes before he had to go. she knew the distance was coming, luke was pushing her away. she couldn't help but hold onto him selfishly, still over the moon about luke.

the sound of breaking glass made her grow worried, michael quietly cursing to himself. "i'm gonna have to call you back, sam. luke just broke something and i need to get him to bed."

"that's fine. i'll just call you later, i have work anyway." she lied again. today was her day off but she was so drained from school and everything to do with luke, she just wanted to be alone.

"okay, love you. bye." she repeated the same words, ending the call shortly after. angry tears bubbled in her eyes as she gripped the steering wheel.

luke had been acting different lately, not giving sam the time of day hardly. she tried to be sympathetic, but the fact that he had been spending time with booze instead of simply texting her a little made her lose all sympathy.

as she pulled into her driveway, she couldn't help but dial his number. the first time, she was sent to voicemail, but after the third call, he finally picked up.

"what, sam?" he sighed as soon as he answered, her anger only rising. "i'm busy, can this wait?"

"no, it can't." she snapped, luke taking a sharp inhale on the other end. "are you seriously ignoring me to fucking drink?" she accused, a groan sounding out from the phone speakers.

luke, who was too drunk to really think, let out an aggravated breath. "i'm not doing this." he muttered, sam ignoring the pain that shot through her heart. he was drunk, he didn't mean it.

"doing what, luke? talking to your girlfriend?" she snapped once again, the anger coming out whether she liked it or not. "you can't give me any effort?"

"i'm always busy, samantha." he snapped back, her scoffing quietly to herself. "don't fucking scoff at me, dude. i have been jam packed with—"

"with drinking." she finished, luke growing angry on the other side. "if you're gonna blow me off, at least be fucking honest about what you're doing." she barked, angry tears brewing in her eyes.

"you don't know shit, you're not here." he scoffed, her fists balling up by her sides. "some girlfriend."

she gaped at the phone, her heart pounding inside her chest. "well, why don't you tell me how you really feel." she sarcastically snapped, growing agitated at the selfish blonde she was currently dating. "you sound like you just don't want us anymore."

hoping that would snap him back into reality and make him realize how he was hurting her, she was hit with a harsh blow of reality. a reality where luke didn't care for her anymore. "maybe i fucking don't." he seethed, the line growing quiet on both sides.

sam choked back tears, her heart shattering inside her chest at his words. "what?" she finally spit out, hurt laced in the one word so much it broke luke's heart. "do you mean that?" she asked, every part of her praying he said no.

"i.. don't know." he admitted. those three words caused the tunnel of tears to burst open, the tears streaming down her face. she held back the cries, silently letting them fall. "i mean, we don't talk anymore. it's not the same and maybe we're holding onto something that just isn't there anymore."

she couldn't believe what she was hearing. just two months ago, he loved her. he really had changed so fast that it gave sam whiplash, but she never expected him to want to leave. she was silent, not daring to speak before she heard him sigh. "i love you, samantha. i always will. i just think right now, we are in two different places—"

"don't." she spoke, her voice wavering which gave her pain away. "just say it and get it over with, luke." she whispered.

"sam, i don't want—"

"if you're leaving like a coward, at least have the decency to say so." she snapped, wiping at her tears angrily.

he went silent, her hope slowly coming back before he crushed it all over again. "i think we should break up."

she cried into her hands, fully aware the make up she wore to school today was gonna stain her hands. he stayed silent, listening to her muffled cries before letting out a quiet 'i'm sorry'. "thanks, luke. for breaking my heart yet again." she said quietly, absolutely defeated as she ended the call, her face falling back into her hands while she cried her heart out over a boy who seemed like he could careless.

what she didn't know, was luke was crying the same way alone in his bed.

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