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addie: you are coming back right?

sam: i don't know

addie: luke's been a mess since you left

sam: im sorry

addie: sam, what happened between you and luke?

sam: it doesn't matter

addie: it does when you just take off

addie: and when luke looks so depressed that even fans are noticing

sam: my mom called

sam: i was leaving anyway

addie: but were you gonna be gone for three weeks?

sam: i dont know

addie: just tell me what happened

addie: ashton said he heard you and luke yelling from his hotel room and then luke left and he heard you crying

addie: what did luke do sam?

sam: it really doesnt matter.

sam: its over and done with.

addie: has he texted or called?

sam: yea, he tried calling three times this week.

addie: you have a job here

addie: all your friends are here

sam: i hung out with kate yesterday

addie: oh god

addie: why would you do that

sam: idk i got lonely and asked her

addie: if youre lonely, come back

sam: idk.

addie: why

sam: its a long story

addie: so tell me

sam: its not important

addie: it is if youre not coming back

incoming call from luke

[decline] accept

sam: he just called again

addie: maybe you should text him.

sam: no

addie: sam wtf happened

sam: it doesn't fucking matter

addie: just tell me

luke: sam

luke: even though you turned off your read receipts with me, i know you're opening these

luke: please text me whenever you can

sam: what do you want luke.

luke: how are you?

sam: fine. what do you want.

luke: i just wanted to check in

sam: ok

luke: i miss you

sam: ok

luke: i'm sorry

luke: for all of it

luke: i was just so fucked up about my feelings

luke: i should've explained and let you explain, not just immediately accuse you
of getting with ashton without knowing
the full story

sam: thanks

luke: yeah.

sam: i do appreciate the apology but

sam: maybe i need to just stay back home

luke: no don't do that

luke: i told management i cant be in a PR anymore.

sam: how'd that go

luke: well

luke: i got a lot of shit for it

luke: but they said i looked depressed anyway so why make me stay when fans
will just start attacking her

sam: fair enough

luke: please come back

sam: idk luke

sam: i'm so tired of the bs

luke: i know, im sorry

luke: i just miss you.

sam: i'm sorry

luke: its whatever. i mean, its my fault

sam: no it was mine for getting things
confused. like you said, we were just
friends. it was wrong of me to assume anything else, so i'm sorry

luke: will you answer if i call?

sam: i dont know luke

sam: im tired honestly and its late here

luke: just one facetime, please.

luke: itll be quick

sam: give me ten minutes and ill call you

luke: okay.

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