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luke: that was fun, i really had a good time today.

sam: i did too, thank you for dinner
and for explaining.

luke: anytime, i mean that

sam: its gonna suck when you leave

luke: i know

luke: but i can always fly you out to us
and you could stay a couple nights
here and there?

sam: depends on work

sam: gotta make a livin luke

sam: gotta help my mom pay off the house

luke: how much do you guys have left?

sam: about 50k

luke: well thats not too bad

sam: yea, ive been helping her since
i was fourteen

sam: its another reason i couldnt go
to culinary school.

luke: im sorry you couldnt go

sam: its okay. i have to tell them i
decline my application by next month ):

sam: im dreading it and putting it off

luke: what school is it

sam: adam pierces culinary school

luke: you got accepted THERE?

luke: i know nothing about cooking but
even i know of that place

sam: yeah, my dream is to one day
open my own restaurant.

luke: would i get free meals?

sam: depends

luke: on?

sam: what happens in the next ten years

luke: fair enough

sam: my plan is to hopefully get to open
a restaurant in like ten years or so

luke: you'll do it

luke: i know you will

sam: thank you

luke: what time are you off tomorrow?
the guys are all meeting for game night
and i thought maybe you'd want to join.

sam: ofc i do.

sam: i loveeeee all of them so much

sam: michael's my new fave tho

luke: what about me? ):

sam: i actually know you

sam: so it'd be weird if it was still
you, dontcha think?

luke: um no?

luke: im the one who took you on
a date, screw michael

sam: that was a date?

luke: well no but

luke: im taking you on one before we go
back on the tour.

sam: wait, all of them are still in
denver? why?

luke: well, we have another show the day before we leave, so we all stayed

luke: but i stayed for you

sam: im still not sleeping with you <3

luke: you suck

sam: you wish

luke: dang how is it already midnight

sam: time flies when youre having fun

sam: no wonder its goin by so slow

luke: wOw

luke: i am OFFENDED

sam: good <3

luke: youre a lot less cocky in person

sam: sue me, im shy

luke: its cute how you always blush
whenever i talk to you.

sam: shut up lucas

luke: no

luke: and yOUR GIGGLE??? omg

luke: i nearly dieD when i heard it

sam: lucas ):<

luke: and your SMILE

luke: fucking perfect

sam: oh hush

sam: you're making me red

luke: good

luke: i want to be the only one who
makes you blush

sam: fuckboy

luke: :/

sam: <3

luke: <3

luke: now we need to sleep

luke: ill be there at eleven to pick you up.

sam: i never told you what time i got

luke: shit yeah sorry

luke: what time do you work

sam: im off for two days (:

luke: you little shit

sam: ofc i took off for my luke.

luke: thank god im still your luke

sam: i think youll always be my luke

luke: ok i GOTTA GO im fangirling

sam: oh how the tables have turned

sam: goodnight lukey <3

luke: FUCK

luke: goodnight angel <3

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