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"your admission has been denied. unfortunately, we didn't realize you hadn't completed all the necessary courses to continue to our program. we are extremely sorry for the inconvenience this must've caused you, and we hope you'll resubmit an application for next year. again, our deepest apologies, ms. rayne." the voicemail broke her heart, crushing her dreams in one little message.

she felt hot tears roll down her cheeks, throwing her phone against the wall and didn't care when she heard a crack. she buried her face into her hands, quietly weeping in them. her entire future had just changed, she no longer had a choice to move to LA or to stay after the tour.

how was she gonna tell luke? he was going to be crushed. she sighed, hastily wiping her tears as the door opened slowly to reveal addie. her friend's eyes widened, immediately rushing to sam's side. "what happened?" she asked softly, pulling the sad girl into her arms.

sam sniffled, her bottom lip quivering as she tried to stop the salty tears. "i-i got kicked off the program. i won't be going to school." she admitted, the words weighing heavy on her heart. the admission only caused more pain to weigh her down, the tears rushing down faster.

addie frowned, holding her close as she rested her head on top of sam's. "that's okay, sammy, you can retry next year." addie offered, hoping it would lift the girl's spirits. sam sighed, shaking her head before burying her face back into her hands. "what's wrong?"

"ad, if i didn't get in the school, there is no reason for me to move to LA with luke." she told her, addie's eyebrows furrowing together.

she hesitated but decided to just ask. "what about the fact that you two are together?"

sam shook her head. "once the tour is over, so is my contract. i have no experience other than this or being a waitress. i can't afford to live in LA, and i definitely can't let luke just take care of me." she explained, addie's frown deepening. "i can't just give up my dream."

she didn't know what to say that would comfort her friend, sighing quietly to herself. "maybe you should call them and find out what you need to do." she whispered, sam nodding before glancing at her now broken phone. "well, after we get your phone fixed."

sam: hey lu

luke: hey you

sam: what're you doing?

luke: just getting soundcheck finished, gotta shower and then get on stage lol. wbu?

sam: i'm in bed

luke: still? are you feeling okay?

sam: not really

sam: school called me today

luke: really? what'd they say?

sam: i got pulled from my start date

luke: as in they're starting you earlier..?

sam: as in its not the LA school i'll be attending.

luke: well where are you going..?

sam: back to denver, to reenroll in some more college classes.

luke: what?

sam: i don't have enough credits to start at the academy.

sam: and they said it would be a big hassle to transfer my credits and it may cause me to have to repeat some

sam: i can't let four years go down the drain.

luke: so what are you saying

sam: i'm gonna have to go home for a while

luke: so, what does this mean for us?

sam: what do you mean?

luke: are you leaving me?

sam: when did i say that?

luke: when you said you're going back to denver

sam: huh?

luke: how long will you be in denver?

sam: idk, a year at least?

luke: a year?

sam: yeah, i'm gonna take the couple classes i need and then a few spare just to make sure this doesn't happen again.

luke: a fucking year.

sam: lu, we will be okay

luke: long distance never works out

luke: when are you leaving?

sam: i'll have to go thursday to get everything sorted out to start right away

luke: two days? seriously?

sam: luke what is up with you?

sam: we can do this.

sam: i'm all in. aren't you?

luke: i mean

luke: yeah. but, what happens when we get distant?

sam: we won't.

sam: we're sam & luke. we've gotten this far, nothing will stop us from being end game!!

sam: sorry that was addie

sam: but she's right

luke: i hope so.

luke: i'm gonna miss you, sam.

sam: i'm gonna miss you more, luke.

luke: how are we gonna do this?

sam: i don't know.

sam: but what i do know is we will figure it out together.

luke: i love you.

sam: i love you more.

AN: sorry for such a short chapter, only five left til the epilogue and then the end of wrong number )))): sad that it's ending.

thank you for almost 1k reads, ilysm.

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