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sam: i had a lot of fun with the boys
today, thank you.

luke: i'm glad you had fun

luke: it was really nice seeing you again.

sam: it was nice seeing you too

sam: even though we have hung out
almost every day?

luke: still doesn't make missing you

sam: i know but

sam: at least im coming tomorrow night

luke: that's definitely a plus

luke: you gonna give me a :o in the
dressing room for good luck (;

sam: only in your dreams (;

luke: i dont like you sometimes

sam: cause you're a fuckboy who dont
get his way (:

luke: ugh

luke: is it so bad that i just find you
so hot that all i want to do is jump
in bed with you ):

sam: fuck. boy.

luke: bye.

sam: i can't believe you have a show tomorrow so i won't get much time with you before you go

luke: so i guess you're not coming

sam: luke, i really want to.

sam: i just cant abandon all my responsibilities and drop everything to come on tour with you and them

luke: why not? addie is.

sam: what.

luke: yeah. calum asked her to come

sam: they just fucking met like a week
ago? how is he gonna ask her to go after
a week?

luke: he said 'somethings you just know'

sam: hold on.

"hey, sam!"

"don't 'hey sam' me."

"what's wrong?"

"you're seriously going?"

"yeah.. i was gonna talk to you about it. its a great opportunity, and calum knows i want to work in the music industry business so.. he offered to let me tag along with him to get a feel for it."

"you only met them a week or two ago though, is that not strange to you?"

"not really.. this is a job opportunity. i'm not gonna pass down a well paying job to slum it at the diner for the rest of my life."

"so, you're just leaving me."

"cut the shit, sam. you're leaving in may, so what does it matter that i'm leaving now?"

"i figured we'd have more time together."

"oh, babes. listen, i know luke offered you the job—"

"oh, brother. here we go."

"i think you should take it."

"i can't."

"why? is it because of your mom? because i spoke to her earlier when we all dropped you off and even she said you should."

"you told my fucking mom?"

"of course i fucking did, dipshit. you are throwing away an amazing opportunity and for what? cause you're scared of what will happen with you and luke?"


"you sure about that?"

"yes. it's about not being able to afford housing for school—"

"the job luke offered you will pay triple what you make in a month at the diner in a weeks time. you'd make more money for saving with the job luke told you about."


"but nothing. you're going."


"you are going. end of discussion."

"how are we still friends?"

"because i keep you in check. i gotta go though, calum's picking me up."

"spill, later."

"will do, bye. love you!"

"love you, bye."

incoming call from sam

[accept] deny


"hey luke."

"hi sammy."

"you sound sad."

"i mean, of course i'm sad. we'll be thousands of miles apart until june."


"i really wish you'd reconsider. this isn't like a pity offer. i really am trying to get you a legitimate job and just let you earn some money."


"and another thing. i'm fucking into you, sam. i really am. you make me feel things i've not felt in a long ass time. you're so fucking amazing and leaving you here is going to fucking suck."

"god damn it, luke. shut up for a minute."


"it's okay. i just was calling to tell you i accept."

"...accept what?"

"the job. make some room lukey, i'm coming with."

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