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after luke had sent the last text, sam got up, grimacing at her reflection in the mirror. she had been laid up in bed the whole day, practically the whole three weeks, minus yesterday. she actually had left the house and got drunk with her ex friend kate.

she tossed her hair up in a bun, sighing quietly, changing into a clean pair of pajama's before getting back into bed and grabbed her phone. she sat there, staring down at her phone on luke's contact for at least five minutes. she had to convince herself to pick it up and actually hit call.

it barely rung once before it said connecting and luke's face popped up shortly after. "hi." he breathed, sam ignoring the way her heart fluttered at just his voice.

"hi." her voice squeaked, her face flashing a quick grimace at her voice crack before it returned back to a nervous expression.

the pair went quiet, things racing through both of their minds but neither of them knew how to start. on sam's end, she was hurt and angry at everything that went down, while on luke's end, he was upset and disappointed in himself. luke was the first to break the silence, sam's eyes looking over at him when he spoke. "i think i should start off by apologizing again. so, i'm sorry, sam. for all of it."

she didn't say anything, her gaze falling to her cover as she picked at the lint that had covered it from the dryer. it wasn't that she didn't know what to say, she just didn't know how to say it. "the way i handled things," he continued. "it was so wrong, and i don't blame you for leaving. i handled things like a complete moron, and i hurt you, which is something i never wanted to do."

she felt the tears forming in her eyes, mentally cursing herself for already getting emotional in their conversation. "i-i," she paused, taking a deep breath to collect herself before she continued. "i think, the hardest part for me.. was when you said we were just friends, and then she texted me from your phone."

his eyebrows furrowed at her words, looking completely lost on what she was talking about. "wait, what?" he asked, his voice soft.

she sighed, rubbing at her face before looking back down at the phone where his face was on her screen. "yeah, she texted me that you guys weren't in a fake relationship. she said you kissed and made things real, and blah blah. then, she blocked me."

luke was silent, taking a moment to process what was being said. he didn't know anything about this, no doubt the girl had deleted the messages. he was confused on how sam was blocked however, but he assumed he did it while he was intoxicated. "i didn't know that." he said quietly, sam's heart faltering when he didn't deny it. "i mean, we kissed." her heart sank. "but we never were together-together. it was still all a P R."

anyone could tell learning that luke had kissed her hurt sam pretty deeply. everyone around could tell how much sam liked luke, and when she just heard it was half the truth, it felt like a hot knife was placed down her throat. "oh." she whispered, luke's face falling at the girl's reaction.

despite his words and sam not believing, everyone else knew he was so infatuated with the girl on the other end of the phone that it made him crazy. "i'm sorry she did that. but, she's gone now." he told her, sam's head nodding slightly.

he sighed, his head dropping slightly as he tried to rack his brain on what to say next. he knew she was hurt, he could tell that much. "i want you to know something, sam." he started, sam's heart starting to race. this was it, this was when he was going to break her heart.

"i like you. i know i said we were just friends, but, i dont want that. i dont just want to be your friend, i want to be more. i want you like nobody else gets you, i want to be the one who makes you dizzy from how much you fall in love, and the one who makes you laugh so hard from absolutely horrid jokes that you piss yourself." she snorted quietly, which made a small smile appear on luke's face.

"i have no right to ask you this, but, will you please come back? if you get back and realize this just isn't what you want, i'll let you go without any protest. i just want one real shot, sam. just you and i." her heart was racing a million miles a minute at his words, her breathing slightly fast as she took a second to just breathe.

"can i," she paused, swallowing her nerves. "can i have a day or so to think about it?" her words definitely took a toll on luke but he was also extremely grateful that she didn't just flat out say no. he knew if she did choose to come back, he had one last shot to prove to her he was who she thought he was.

"yeah, yeah of course. take some time and think it over." he confirmed, her head nodding slightly as she seemed to drift off into her head before realizing he was indeed on the phone. "should i go?" she hesitated, chewing at her lip.

"can you stay on the phone and sing until i fall asleep?" she said it so quietly luke almost missed it. when his brain finally registered what she said, he nodded quickly and sat up a little.

he hummed quietly, waiting patiently as she turned off her lights and climbed back into her bed. "you have a specific song?"

she laid the phone against her pillow, laying down next to it before thinking a moment. "maybe, invisible?"

"you got it." she watched as he pulled out his guitar before strumming it lightly, tuning it until it was all fixed and ready. "another day, of painted walls and football on the tv. no one sees me."

as he continued to sing the song he had once told her was his favorite, she started to drift off. from an outsiders perspective, it looked like a boyfriend on the phone with his girlfriend but at last, it was just sam and luke, who were trying to figure things out through the pain and drama that had now passed them by.

he stayed on the phone, singing different songs until the girl was fully asleep, lingering even after for a bit. he snuck a couple screenshots before hanging up so she could rest. he then climbed into bed and went to sleep himself. and tonight was the first night the two actually slept okay since the fight.

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