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sam stared at herself in the mirror. she had on a little blue checkered skirt with a baby blue top, her hair half up half down. she wore little to no make up, deciding natural is what she looked best with.

her eyes dropped from the mirror down to her phone where she saw luke's name appear on her screen, a smile making its way to her lips involuntarily.

she was ready. she had been talking to luke for little over a month, the excitement and desire to meet him growing every minute that passed. and her idols, god she was so excited that she thought she was gonna pass out.

a beep from her friends car outside signaled to her that it was indeed time to go. she grabbed her black purse, rushing out of her bedroom, making her way down the steps quickly. "bye mom! love you!" she called, waiting to hear a response.

"bye honey, enjoy yourself and let me know you got there safe!" she grinned, kissing her mothers cheek before she rushed out of the door. she practically ran to her friend addie's car, slipping in with a wide grin on her face.

she buckled her seatbelt, almost bouncing in her seat as she mentally tried preparing herself to meet two very important people today. her phone vibrated, causing her head to drop and glance down at her phone.

luke: you ready?

sam: im so ready

luke read that message, luke was internally freaking out. he hadn't told her that he in fact was luke hemmings. his best friends watched him pace the dressing room wearily. "mate.. you really should've told her." ashton mumbled, luke sending him a quick glare before resuming his pacing.

"yeah, but, at least she loves both of you?" michael started but ended it with a question. it was a bit confusing how to speak as if luke was two different people. but, to the little girl who was coming soon, he was.

luke groaned, plopping down on the couch with his face in his hands. "i dont know how to tell her. i mean, im out of time. if i dont tell her she'll think the other me stood her up. and then she'll hate me."

calum cleared his throat, wearily starting to throw an idea at him. "but then you could start talking to her as you?"

"no!" ashton interjected quickly, luke frowning at calum's idea. "if he does that, and she ever finds out, that would break her trust. and he'd end up losing her then!" luke nodding slightly in agreement.


"no, shut up. you're not allowed to talk anymore right now."


"zip it!"

calum grumbled under his breath, ashton sending him a warning glance. luke tossed his hands up in defeat. "i guess im just gonna have to tell her face to face."

"but dont tell her in front of everyone. youll throw the girl straight into the spotlight. she's too innocent for that." michael quickly added, ashton nodding in agreement.

"she calls me a fuck boy!" luke quickly defended, his eyes staring at michael appalled.

michael sent him a smirk, shaking his head at his friend. "thats your fault cause youre a fuckboy."

before luke could argue back, a knock was heard at the door, all their heads turning to the door. a sound tech's head popped in, smiling over at the boys. "it's time."

he pulled out his phone fast, making a last moment choice before pocketing it and stepping out of the room to head towards the meet and greet room.

luke: meet me after the concert backstage in the spare dressing room. ask one of the sound techs where it is.

sam: okay?

she placed her phone in her back pocket, standing immediately when the other door opened. it revealed the four people she had listened to for years, her idols. four people who she cherished walked into that door and her heart raced.

her eyes met luke hemmings' extremely blue ones, their eyes locking for what felt like forever. a blush coated on her face as she dropped her head down to look at the floor so she could hide her face. something luke found extremely cute. but, he had to hold back his reaction as a few other fans came up, some in tears and some squealing. he grinned at them, giving each of them a side hug.

when the four of them reached the two quiet and shy girls standing in the back, luke's breath hitched. this girl was the girl he had been speaking to through text for some time. his heart was racing because he was here, with her. the girl who he spoke to nearly every day, was standing right here. and he had to hold himself together.

"hi, luke." she cooed, her doe eyes staring up at his. admiration shined in them, an emotion that luke was now adoring. that hi luke was going to be the death of him.

nearly two hours later, she was sitting next to addie in the front row. she was ecstatic, getting to see her boys up close just made her feel like she was on cloud nine.

when they came on, she screamed for them in excitement, luke glancing over to see the happy girl in the front. his heart warmed at the sight, growing a little nervous at the feelings bubbling in his chest.

"hello, denver! who's ready to rock?"

the concert was everything sam had dreamed of. getting to see their faces right up close was something she only ever imagined. her luke had definitely gave her the one thing she wanted most in her life, and she would never make it up to him, not in the way she wanted.

as the concert ended, sam pulled addie aside from the crowd that was hesitantly leaving. "hey, can you hang around for me for a second?" she whispered, addie staring at her wearily.

"you're not like, gonna break any laws right?" she joked, her friend rolling her eyes at the comment. sam playfully smacked her before heading back towards the backstage. she spotted a sound tech, clearing her throat slightly.

after explaining who she was and showing her luke's phone number, she was lead back to the room luke had told her to go to. she thanked the woman quietly, reaching for the handle but paused. was she really ready to meet him? even when shes been getting butterflies for this stranger?

she brushed the thought off, stepping inside the room and frowned when it was empty. she dug her phone out from her purse, clicking on hers and lukes messages before typing another out.

sam: where are you fuckboy

luke: im on my way there.

butterflies flew around her stomach, rubbing her hands together anxiously. she looked around the room seaching for something to distract her until her phone vibrated in her hand again.

luke: weird request but, can you turn around until i say go?

sam: this is creepy luke

luke: stop saying im creepy. just please.

she pouted, turning to face the wall before she looked back down at her phone and sent a quick message.

sam: okay, i did it (:

she heard the creak of the door opening, her heart beginning to thump wildly in her chest. she was meeting the person she's gotten to know the past couple of weeks that she had been imagining for a couple weeks now.

she was antsy to turn around but she waited silently. she knew when he was ready, he'd say turn and she'd see her luke. her phone vibrated in her hand, her eyes dropping to see the message she had been waiting for.

luke: turn around (:

she turned, her smile slipping off as she stared at luke hemmings standing before her. shock, shock wasnt even close to describing what she felt.

he was not what she was expecting.

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