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sam felt isolated.

one half of the band hated her — and each other — while the other two didn't but calum wasn't talking to anyone. which left one of sam's closest people on the bus; ashton. yet, ashton was busy consoling michael and calum, and nobody knew luke and sam had tension.

addie had her suspicions, but she didn't truly know what went down. all she knew was a week ago sam climbed into bed with tears down her face and she wouldn't tell addie what was wrong.

sam was hurting, and she wasn't letting anyone know. while luke was keeping away from the band and the girls, she was longing to see him again. stupid, she knows, but she just missed him. she knew things probably wouldn't be mended between the two, and she had to come to terms with that.

she sighed, raking a finger through her hair as she sat on the couch mindlessly watching whatever was currently playing on the tv. she didn't understand why the guy on the cartoon liked propane so much, but it kept her mind occupied so she wouldn't argue with it.

"hey." a voice spoke quietly from behind her, her head snapping around to see michael standing behind her. her breathing hitched as anxiety filled her body.

"hi." she spoke softly, her eyes dropping down to her lap to keep from staring. deep down, she was so happy that he was talking to her but she kept her lips sealed shut as michael walked around and sat down on the couch a space away from her.

nobody said anything, their eyes both on the cartoon to avoid any conflict, her mind racing a million miles a minute at the silence. thankfully, michael broke it. "i'm sorry, for just assuming you told him."

she let out a breath of relief. "i wanted to tell you, but you wouldn't speak to me." she whispered, her eyes dropping to her hands which were fiddling with each other. "i decided to give you your space and knew you'd talk when you were ready."

he scratched the back of his neck, letting out a quiet sigh. "luke actually told me, last night." her eyes widened a little, shocked that he came clean. "he told me everything and begged me to talk to you. he said you'd need me. so, tell me what happened."

as sam began telling him everything that happened, she couldn't help the tears that built up in her eyes. she hadn't spoken about it since it happened so it was all still fresh, and it was so relieving to finally tell someone.

"wow." michael breathed out, his eyebrows raised a bit. he was surprised that so much had happened since he iced the girl out, guilt settling in his chest. "luke is a fucking moron." he settled with saying this, which made the teary eyed girl let out an amused snort.

"you can say that again." she mumbled, sending a small smile towards him. "i'm really glad we're okay." she looked over at him, smiling slightly. "how are you after the whole... incident?"

michael let out a long sigh, his shoulders rising and falling. "honestly? calum won't talk to me, addie won't talk to me. i feel like i just lost them both."

sam frowned, watching how he looked defeated. "i'm sure they'll come around." she whispered, his eyes briefly looking over at her to shoot her a weak smile.

"yeah, maybe." he mumbled before he stood up. "i'm gonna go grab some food, wanna come?"

sam glanced down at her sweats and a random hoodie before shrugging. "sure." she stood, walking over to slip her slides over her sock covered feet before the two left the bus to start walking towards the mcdonald's which was nearby.

when the pair got there, they were surprised to see calum and addie there as well. sam sent them a small wave while michael kept his gaze straight ahead before they walked up to the front to order.

it felt like in the past week, everything had went to shit so quickly. sam hated that everyone was divided, everyone stuck in their own little anger zone and sam was caught in the middle. "i'll have a number one large with extra mac sauce." michael told the cashier, breaking sam from her thoughts as she tuned into the current events.

"i'll just have a double cheese burger meal." she told the girl before the two were handed their cups. after arguing with michael about who was paying, he ended up winning so she went to go make their drinks.

"sam." a quiet voice spoke behind her, her head turning to see addie. she gave her a small smile. "how is he?"

she sighed, glancing over at michael who was waiting for their food at the front counter. "he's... managing. what about you and cal?"

addie took a deep breath. "we're okay. he's okay. he's angry but, he'll get over it." she forced a small smile which made sam worry. "i just hope they fix their friendship, i don't wanna be the reason they stop being so close."

sam nodded in understanding, her heart breaking for the girl who quite literally was in the middle of this entire mess. "we need to have a girls night soon." she told sam after a minute, sam's head immediately nodding in agreement.

"yes, we do." she agreed.

"how are, um, you and luke?"

the question made her tense up, her heart tightening at just his name. "uh—,"

"sam, food." michael called out, grabbing the tray as she let out a sigh of relief.

she turned towards her friend, shooting her a small smile before motioning to where michael was taking their tray. "i better go. i'll see you later and we'll catch up on everything." that was a lie, sam would be finding any and every way to avoid talking to addie for the next few days to avoid talking about luke.

she briskly walked over to michael, sitting his coke in front of him before grabbing her food off the tray. "what was that about?" michael asked once he swallowed his food, a frown etching onto sam's face.

"she started asking about luke, so you called at the exact perfect time." she mumbled, avoiding the pointed look on michael's face. "i just can't talk to her about it, okay? she's got enough going on."

michael's face fell at her words, causing sam to mentally scream at herself. she opened her mouth to apologize but michael waved it off. "it's fine. are you excited for our show next week in miami? i can't wait to get to the beach."

sam almost moaned at the idea of spending a day on the sand at the beach. no drama, no worries, just fun. "god, can i. i am so freaking excited to just forget the past few days and enjoy the ocean."

the two sat there creating plans in which they both got to avoid all of their problems. they knew avoiding the issues wouldn't make them go away, but for the time being, they were okay with pretending it would.

HELLO. i'm so sorry for such a LATE update. a lot of things are in the works right now and theres a lot of things going on in my personal life.

ill try to get more updates out within the next day or so but, enjoy this for now. sorry its so short and rushed, and dont worry, the texting chapters are coming back v v soon.

hope you have a beautiful weekend and stay safe!

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