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twenty drinks later and the group was pretty buzzed. they all decided collectively to spend time together until someone decided to approach one of them, calum being the only one who had disappeared so far.

"i'm gonna go use the ladies room." sam murmured, not waiting for any replies before she made her way to the bathroom. after doing her business, she fixed her hair and headed back towards the group only to freeze when she saw luke with a girl next to him who was obviously flirting.

her heart sank as she watched the sight unfold in front of her, her eyes locked onto the hand that rested on luke's bicep, swallowing the vomit that was trying to climb up her throat. she swallowed, making her way back over finally before grabbing a shot and threw it back immediately.

"have a good pee?" addie teased with a drunk giggle, causing sam to grin. she nodded before tossing an arm around the girl's shoulder as the two friends began to loudly sing along to the song echoing in the club.

"it was nice to, nice to know ya, lets do it again. how we did it in a one night stand, boy i wanna be more than a friend, to ya."

sam's eyes drifted back over to luke, who was starting to get friendly with the giggly blonde hanging onto him, which pissed her off. she had no right to be mad, she is the one who put a stop to them after all. yet, here she was, filled with fury, which is exactly why she did what she did next.

she grabbed her mixed drink and tossed it all over the girl, acting as if she tripped. "shit, sorry." she gushed, watching the girl gape at her and huff.

"my new clothes! seriously, can't you watch what you're doing?" she snapped at sam, causing the faux apologetic grin slip from her lips. it was replaced with an annoyed and proud smile, the girl grabbing napkins to try to dry her shirt.

"nope, i'm a clutz, get over it." sam shrugged, turning her attention back to addie who was shaking her head at sam. addie knew all too well that sam was jealous, something addie knew sam would never admit to.

ashton watched with amusement in his eyes, drifting them over to luke. sam wasn't looking so she didn't see the amused smile that briefly sat on luke's lips, or the way he had this glint in his eye that ashton wasn't sure what it was.

sam giggled with her friend, taking her hand before leading her out into the dance floor. the two jumped around with wide smiles on their faces, their mind slightly affected by the booze they had consumed. after a few moments, sam felt a hand grab her arm gently, her head snapping over to see luke hemmings standing next to her.

he brought his head towards hers, leaning over by her ear. "can we talk?" he asked, his lips brushing against her ear which sent shivers down her spine. she found herself nodding before she realized what was happening and she was lead out of the club.

the cooler night air hit her like a slap, her arms shaking slightly from the wind. "luke, its cold, can this wait—"

he cut her off. "i miss you." her eyes widened at his sudden confession, her lips pursing before they opened but he beat her to it. "i miss you all the fucking time, and sometimes, right as im about to fall asleep, i imagine that you're actually asleep beside me to help me. because," he took a deep breath before letting out a breathy chuckle.

"because, when you're not there i can't sleep. call me crazy but ive gotten used to you being asleep next to me, so i can't sleep anymore." he stared at her, his nose tinting pink from the chilly wind going around them. "so, i miss you. i miss you more than i thought was possible."

she wasn't sure what to say. luckily, she didn't have to think too much about it when luke continued. "and now? i hate myself, for letting you slip right through my fingertips. i got defensive, and i pushed you away, again. i am so fucking sorry, sam, for ever making you cry."

his voice cracked which made sam's heart falter a little. "i never wanted to hurt you, yet thats all i can seem to do. you are, singlehandedly, the best girl i have ever met. michael was right, i'm a fucking idiot for ever letting you go."

"i-i.." sam didn't know what to say. how was she supposed to respond to that? what was she supposed to say? she couldn't just forgive luke again, she was too scared he would just do it again. every time she let her guard down with him, that's when he hurt her. she knew if she let him back in again and he did the same exact thing, there would be no way she could have a friendship with him.

she knows luke is who she wants, there's no doubt about that. however, she also knows she doesn't want her heart broken for the third time by the careless celebrity. luke stared at her, waiting for a response and as more time passed, his grin fell a little more.

"oh." the way luke's voice faltered broke sam's heart. she hated the way his eyes fell to the ground, and the way he scuffed his feet awkwardly. things between the two felt different now, the energy had shifted which broke both of their hearts.

"luke," she whispered, luke's head snapping to look up at her with the fakest smile she had ever seen.

he shook his head. "its fine, i get it. i'll see you at the table." he rushed out before quickly slipping back into the club before she had a chance to stop him.

she felt her eyes filling with tears before she forced them away. "don't you dare cry." she murmured before wiping her eyes and leant against the brick wall.

"trouble in paradise, doll?" a voice called out to her, causing her to jump. "didn't mean to scare you, i just wanted to make sure you're alright."

a man stepped into the light, revealing a pale skinned male with light blonde hair. he had some of the prettiest green eyes sam had ever seen, which made her give him a small smile. "i'm okay, but thank you for asking." she politely responded, dropping her gaze from him in hopes he would go away.

"can i buy you a drink?" she couldn't stop the eye roll before he chuckled. she blushed, knowing all too well she had been caught. she hoped he wouldn't have noticed. "i know that sounded bad, but i really would just like to not be alone at the moment, and you seem like you're in the same boat."

she opened her mouth to say she had friends inside but for some reason she stopped herself. what harm could it do? another listening ear who isn't tired of dealing with your luke drama? "sure, one drink wouldn't hurt anyone."

he smiled, motioning towards the door. "after you, doll."

she muttered a thank you before the two waked back into the bar. as she sat there wondering where luke had gone off to, her question had been answered when she spotted him leant over a girl against the wall and their lips were locked.

her heart dropped. the boy whose name she still didn't know, glanced over and his eyes widened. "okay.." he mumbled softly before raising his hand at the bartender. "we need something extra strong."

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