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sam screamed, turning her back to him as a red coat covered her cheeks, her face hiding in her hands. a few moments later, and a bit of shuffling, she heard luke clear his throat before a shaky voice rang out, "you can — uh — turn around now."

she stayed with her back turned, desperately begging her face to get rid of the flush on her. "yeah, i will in just a second." she mumbled, embarrassed that she had just seen him from rushing into the room. an awkward tension overtook the two, her internally screaming at the feeling growing in the pit of her stomach.

she took a couple deep breaths, slowly dropping her hands before she turned to face him. his face was just as, if not more, red than hers, his eyes glued to anywhere but samantha. this is not how he envisioned her seeing him naked, and frankly this way was utterly embarrassing.

she chewed at her lip, trying to get her thoughts collected and start talking like she had planned to before that happened. "i think we need to...talk." she said softly, fiddling with her fingers as she watched them intently. "but, i can totally wait—"

"no," he quickly interjected, clearing his throat as he realized just how desperate he sounded. "i mean, its fine, we can talk now. i want to talk now, if you do."

she nodded, slowly stepping over to the couch and took a seat at one end while luke sat on the other. normally, luke would sit right next to her and make funny little jokes, but he was on thin ice and it was a little awkward right this second.

she took a deep breath, her eyes glancing up to look over at him. "luke," she whispered, his head snapping up to meet her gaze. "luke, i missed you." she whispered again, luke's face falling when he noticed the slight bit of tears forming in the girls eyes. "i thought i lost you. i didn't want to lose you."

luke felt a pang of guilt crawl into his heart, his breath hitching when he noticed the tears in her eyes. this would be the second time — that he knew of — that he made her cry, and that broke his heart in a way he had never felt before.

"i'm so sorry." sam immediately noticed the crack in luke's voice, causing her eyes to water even more. he shouldn't be apologizing, she should. she was the one who didn't hear him out and just took off without so much as a goodbye. given, she wouldn't have if what happened didn't happen but that wasn't all his control.

sam knew she often blamed herself when she wasn't the one at fault, she did it when she found out he had lied. she blamed herself for not noticing all the signs, all the weird coincidences, and not knowing her idol as well as she thought.

"no, luke. i'm sorry, i shouldn't have taken off like that, it was childis—"

"don't you dare apologize for needing space when i was the jerk." he quickly cut her off, watching her open her mouth to more than likely take the blame but he beat her to it. "if you apologize one more time, i swear to god."

she shut her mouth, luke smiling slightly in satisfaction before the harsh tension took over once more. both knew nothing was okay, but right now, she missed him so much, she put it all behind her.

she crawled over to him, collapsing against his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around the girl. he rested his chin on her head, holding onto her. he was almost afraid to let go, scared he'd wake up and she wasn't actually there.

neither of them spoke, both of them too tired and too content with their current position. eventually, sam ended up falling asleep against his chest, the steady drum of his heartbeat slipping her into a deep sleep.

when sam woke up, her body froze, not recognizing the darkness around her. her chest was rising and falling quickly, her on the brink of a panic attack. when a hand touched hers, she let out a shriek in fear, causing the other person to jump back and tumble out of, what she now recognized as, the bunk.

her hand flew to her mouth, covering it in shock as she peered over the edge to see luke laying on the floor. he groaned, holding his hip, having landed on it rather than anything else. "oh my god." she whispered, now able to see thanks to the sunshine shining in through the open bunk. "i'm so sorry luke."

luke groaned again, standing up as he rubbed his sore hip. "its.. its okay. but what happened? why did you scream?"

she gave him a small sheepish smile as she chewed at her lip. "i freaked out. it was dark, i didn't remember being somewhere dark, and then a hand touched me—"

a laugh below them stopped her, a dark red covering her cheeks. not only had she embarrassed herself in front of luke but now calum too? she was 0 for 2 right now. "told you you should've woke her up." calum said with a smirk, climbing out from his bunk to wave at sam.

she sent a shy wave back before he disappeared down the bus, no doubt to make something to eat. "what time is it?" she asked the blonde, who looked down at his phone and frowned.

"its noon." he told her, well aware they'd have to get to practice at one thirty for the concert tonight. "damn it, i didn't wanna sleep this late."

"yeah, but if you did sleep this late," she paused, sitting up on her knees. "then you obviously needed it. no biggie."

he bit down on his lip, his eyes scanning over the girl before him. sam was beautiful no doubt, from her chocolate curls that fell down to the middle of her back to the piercing green eyes that were somehow brighter and more vibrant than michael's to her perfect bright white smile to her laugh that made luke weak. while michael's were dark, hers were a bright green with slight blue decorating the outer part of her eyes.

as the girl climbed out of his bunk, brushing past to get back to her room she shared with addie. luke knew he was in deep shit when the simple arm brush caused his heart to race and his palms to start sweating.

how could one girl turn his world upside down so fast?

AN hey guys just a heads up, i will not be updating again until who knows when.

a lot is going on so sadly i will be mia until further notice.

hope you have a blessed day <3

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