Chapter One | Moonlight Over New Orleans

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"Moonshine" by James Michalopoulos

It was a quiet evening in the French Quarter. The Mardi Gras tourists were gone, but the beaded necklaces still hung from the wrought-iron balconies; green, purple, and yellow feathers still scattered across the cobblestones. The late winter snow kept most of the locals inside for the evening.

Amidst the still of the snow a small jazz club hummed with a piano's mellow and sophisticated melody. The dimly lit room had only a few patrons, most of them regulars. They sat in bars and booths, drinking as they listened to the young woman commanding the ivory keys.

The woman's head tilted towards her fingers as they improvised a line of music, silver rings glimmering in the low light. For a moment she closed her eyes and played on the feeling of the keys alone. The music was a siren's call, captivating the audience with every note.

The last notes lingered in the air like a sweet, fading dream. Within the next moment, the patrons awarded her with short applause. The bar lights turned on, indicating that the night and bar drew to a close.

The pianist smiled gratefully as a few more bills were dropped into her tip jar. She began packing up her things when a hand reached down to her, holding out a large bill. She looked up in surprise at the tall, light-haired man who offered it to her.

"Remarkable performance, my dear," the man said, his British accent surprising her. "I couldn't help but be drawn in by your playing."

The girl closed the piano and then reached to take the bill.

"Thank you," she responded with genuine appreciation. "Music has a way of connecting us, doesn't it?"

The corner of his mouth twitched up.

"Indeed, it does," he agreed. "I'm Klaus."

The pianist was about to respond when the club manager cut them off.

"Malia, that was great. Really excellent," he said, offering his hand out to her. "We'd love to have you back in the future. How about it?"

Malia grinned at him, taking his hand in a firm shake.

"I'd love to, Hank," she confirmed.

"Great," Hank pat her on the back. "We will be in touch soon to schedule."

As he walked away, Malia turned her head back towards Klaus.

"Malia, then," Klaus tried out her name in his mouth. "Pleasure."

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