Chapter Twenty-Nine | Torture

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Malia woke up with a pounding headache. Dried blood was stuck to her face, falling from her temple down her shirt. She groaned, trying to move.

Her arms were locked in place, strapped down by a thick rope. Her ankles were tied to the wooden chair she sat on.

"That's the convenient thing about regular, non-magic humans," Ellie said, a long, bronze blade in hand. "You don't have to get all fancy with the vervain or the magic-blockers. Just good, old-fashioned rope will do the trick."

"Ellie?" Malia squinted. What little light was in the room made her head feel like it was bursting.

"Surprise," her supposed friend knelt in front of her, twisting the blade around. "It was me all along."

"What was?" Malia groaned.

"Ugh, and the bad thing about humans. You're just so slow," Malia stood. "The murders. I've been killing all of the vampires. Duh."


"Please, you can't honestly tell me you haven't seen the things they've done!" Ellie laughs. "They killed Naomi, for starters."

Ellie leans into Malia, placing the knife against her neck as a taunt. 

"Because they're vile, Malia. They're parasites, feeding off our kind. I'm cleansing this city of their filth."

Malia's heart raced as Ellie's words sunk in. She had been deceiving her all along, pretending to be her friend just to hold her hostage.

"What do you want with me? I'm not a vampire," Malia's eyes strained to the knife against her throat, trying to move away.

"No, you aren't," Ellie rolled her eyes. "But you're in bed with two of them. The Originals. So now, you're bait."

Ellie starts pulling the dagger across Malia's throat, drawing a line of blood, and Malia winces. 

"But that doesn't mean I can't have some fun with you first." 

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