Chapter Thirty | Vengence

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The two vampires stood shaking in fear as the older Mikaelson brother circled them.

"My sources have revealed to me that the two of you are responsible for the death of one witch Naomi Lamarre," Elijah said calmly.

"That's right, Elijah. We were trying to figure out who was behind the murders."

"I see," Elijah's jaw shifted. "And did you?"

The vampire instantly looked down.


"So then why was there a funeral yesterday?" Elijah's irritation was clear in his voice.

"We're sorry, Elijah. Please, we'll do anything," the other vampire said.

"I promised the girl's mother that I would stop vampires from harassing the witches." Elijah began to roll up each of his sleeves, glancing at the vampires. "You say you'll do anything?"

They each shook their head vigorously.

"Then die," Elijah suck a hand in each other their chests and ripped their hearts out. He drops their bloodied hearts on their corpses.

"Elijah, we have a problem," Klaus said, entering the room. He was unfazed by the scene before him.

"What is it, Niklaus?" Elijah began to clean the blood from his hands.


Elijah looked up quickly.

"She's missing."

At that moment the front door swung open. Yara storms in, footsteps heavy and eyes bloodshot.

"Yara," Elijah said, his voice full of regret. "I heard about your daughter. I am so sorry for your loss. I've already taken care of the vampires responsible."

"The vampires responsible," Yara repeats, her voice quivering. Her hands shake with rage. "You are the vampires responsible."

She stepped inside, hands flexed as she sent piercing pain into both of the brothers' heads.

"Now you will know loss," Yara is shouting now. "But know that what you will feel for that girl's death will be nothing compared to what I felt when you took my daughter from me."

She couldn't hold the spell for long against the original brothers, but she could make them hurt. She held the pain for as long as she could, draining herself beyond any magic she had performed before. Finally, Yara stopped the flow of magic and resigned to the fate that she knew awaited her.

"You'll find her corpse on the street outside of her home, just as I found my daughter's."

A small smile of vindication crossed her face as Klaus sped to her and snapped her neck in one quick motion.

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