Chapter Two | Death on Bourbon Street

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"Witches' Sabbath" by Francisco Goya

Darin watched as a young couple walked through the cobblestone streets. The taller woman had her arm tightly wrapped around the shoulders of the shorter, shivering one. They turned up a pair of stone steps and said their goodbyes at the door. After the exchange of a kiss, the taller one turned to walk herself home. Darin was so hungry.

The wind blew back the girl's long black hair, revealing her neck. Darin's gums began to ache before releasing his fangs. He imagined her heartbeat, each thump pumping the blood through her veins and arteries. His eyes turned bloodshot and black veins grew alongside them.

The woman started when Darin suddenly appeared in front of her. She tried to run and opened her mouth to scream, but Darin was too quick.

"Don't fight me," he said, pupils dilating. "And don't scream."

It had been only a month since he had been turned into a vampire, and he was still amazed by how effective compulsion was. Without wasting another second, he sunk his teeth into her neck.

The warmth of her blood filled his mouth and followed down his throat. It was euphoric, like a hit for an addict. He drank until he felt her body get heavy. When she fell into him, he tore his head away and helped to steady her.

"Forget this happened. Go home."

Darin wiped a bit of excess blood from the side of his mouth and sent her on her way. Control was still difficult for him, and he was proud that he left her alive. Unfortunately, his first few meals had lost their pulse.

He had walked half a block before a shadowed figure came out from the alley in front of him. The figure stepped into the light of a lampost revealing herself as a woman. Darin's eyes drifted to her neck as the bloodlust returned. He was about to approach her before she stuck out her hand and a searing pain filled his skull, like his head was splitting open.

A group of other figures approached him from behind, all chanting in unison. One of them pulled a knife out and placed it on Darin's forehead. The cold metal began to slice, and Darin screamed in agony.

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