Chapter Forty-Five | Time Passed

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"I don't know if I can help you," Nelle tells her friend. "I've never even heard of turning someone's skin into vervain."

"She's right," Birdy nodded. "But we'll ask around."

"Thank you," Malia leaned back in her chair.

"M, it's so good to have you back," Nelle holds both of the girl's hands in her own. "We were so worried. They blocked our tracking spells. We thought you might be-"

Nelle moved her head to the side, unable to say the looming possibility that had haunted her friends for months: that Malia might've been killed.

"I'm fine," Malia reassured her. "They didn't torture me like last time. My crazy ex-boyfriend made sure that I wasn't harmed. I just missed you."

Nelle smiled gently to her.

"And I'm so sorry that I missed this," Malia gestures down to Nelle's belly. She had started to show. "My future godbaby. I wish I could have been here for you both."

"You didn't miss much," the girl shook her head. "I've been horrible. My pregnancy hormones were off the charts. I nearly bit Birdy's head off every chance I got, isn't that right babe?"

"She was really mean," Birdy nodded with a laugh. "It's all worth it, though. I just set up the crib in the nursery. We're so excited."

"Good," Malia nodded. "Listen, I think this thing with the First Coven hasn't blown over. There's going to be more drama, more danger. N, you need to stay as far away from it as possible. Promise me."

"I can't do that, Malia. If you need me-"

"Your baby needs you. Your child deserves to grow up with both of their parents. I've got a whole original family looking after me, I will be fine. Birdy, promise me you and Nelle will stay out of whatever comes next."

"No, I-"

"Of course," Birdy sets a hand on N's shoulder, cutting her off.


Malia was recounting more of her months at the house with the witches. She told them about how he was the son of Ayana in their village. She brought up the powers he and the First Coven had. She blushed crimson as she told them about how his love for her broke the curse.

"Well, darling," Rebekah came in with a quip, unable to resist a sly remark. "You certainly have a talent for attracting the wrong kind of attention."

The room fell silent for a brief moment as Malia processed the jab. She hadn't had the chance to ever really talk to Rebekah. She was captured shortly after Rebekah had made her appearance by saving Malia's life.

"Is there anything I should know about what happened while I was gone?" she filled the pause.

"Of course not," Rebekah chimed in. "The world doesn't turn when you're away. Both of my brothers spent all of their time trying to find you and brooding about their failures to do so."

"Enough, Rebekah," Elijah adopted his brotherly, commanding tone. "We have other things to focus on at the moment."


Later, Malia went to the kitchen for her dinner. She had gotten somewhat used to the witches making her meals for her. It was nice to actually walk around the house without someone literally standing a foot behind her, following where she went.

"Well, well," Rebekah purred, leaning against the counter. "I see you've managed to escape the watchful gaze of my dear brothers for a moment, however brief."

"Something like that," Malia's tone was laced with weariness.

Rebekah's lips curved into a sly smile as she continued. "Oh, I can only imagine. Adonis must be quite the persistent suitor."

Malia grabbed a box of cereal and a bowl from a cupboard, placing them on the counter.

"You don't like me much, do you, Rebekah?"

The blonde was surprised by the question, thinking about if she should even answer. After a moment, she sighed.

"It's not you. Nik has taken every opportunity for love that I've ever had from me. In a thousand years, he has threatened everyone that I ever liked to leave me. If they refuse, he kills them," Rebekah looks at her. "I don't particularly mind you, Malia. It just hurts to see Niklaus have everything he deprives me of."

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