Chapter Forty-One | Red Herring

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Klaus reclined in an armchair with a glass of wine, his gaze fixed on Malia who sat on the couch, absorbed in a book. The soft glow of the room's lamps illuminated her features and cast a warm aura around her. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her and the way her eyes flickered with curiosity as she turned the pages. 

She glanced up at him and they exchanged a smile before she went back to reading. Elijah paced nearby, his brows furrowed in deep concentration. The brothers couldn't figure out how to predict the witches' attacks on vampires. Two other vampires were in the house, reporting on what they'd heard from the other vampires and their witch allies.

The stoic brother's phone rang abruptly. He stood still, answering the phone. His expression grew increasingly concerned as he listened to the voice on the other end.

"Rebekah? What's happened?" Elijah's voice conveyed a mix of urgency and worry, his eyes darting over to his brother.

Klaus and Malia exchanged a glance, their demeanors becoming tense. Whatever was happening had shaken Rebekah deeply. 

"The witches have her," Elijah said.

Klaus stood. The protective instincts of the brothers were clearly visible. 

"Go!" Malia said with concern. "Save her!"

Elijah went to the two vampires individually and compelled each of them to protect Malia with their lives. Then, in a blink, the brothers were gone. 

They arrived at the scene of the skirmish shortly after. Rebekah was surrounded by the First Coven witches who held her down with invisible bonds. She was on her knees, struggling and shouting in pain. 

Klaus moved quickly to one witch and tore his heart out of his chest. In a second, half of the witches turned their power from Rebekah to Klaus. He dropped and roared in pain.

Elijah, who had stayed hidden, picked up some rocks from the ground. With lightning speed, he threw them and struck 3 of the witches, knocking them dead. Klaus and Rebekah struggled to their feet, able to fight through the pain and binds as the spell lost power with the deaths of some witches.

Rebekah ripped out the heart of a nearby witch and Klaus smacked the head clean off of another. In a few more seconds, the three siblings had killed every last one of the witches who had cornered Rebekah. 


Minutes after the brothers left, the two vampires they had compelled to watch Malia were pacing the room, looking for any signs of danger.

"Guys, it's not that serious," Malia told them. "You don't have to watch so closely."

"Easy for you to say, Malia," one of them joked toward her. "The Mikaelsons actually seem to like you."

Malia laughed, shaking her head. 

"I'm sure they'll be back with Rebekah in no time."

The doorbell rang and Malia stood to go get it. The two vampires exchanged a look.

"That better be them now," one of them said.

"Why would they ring their own doorbell?" the other asked, rolling his eyes. 

Malia was going to tell them it was fine, she would get the door. But she remembered what had happened last time and let one of the vampires get it while the other stood at her side.

The vampire stood still, not saying anything.

"Trey? Who is it?" the other asked, taking a protective step in front of Malia. 

An ashy grey started at Trey's fingertips.

"Ding-dong," Ellie peeked from around his shoulder.

Malia's eyes widened in surprise at the witch who she had thought was dead. The grey grew up Trey's arms, and he fell to the ground. A long wooden stake protruded from his chest.

The other vampire began to speed to Ellie but was stopped halfway to her. Ellie had used her magic to fly the stake from Trey into the chest of the moving vampire.

"You were dead," Malia took a step back, flashes of the torture pounding in her head.

"Wrong. I was near-dead, thanks to precious Nellie," Ellie spit her name like it was poison. 

"Whatever you're planning won't work," Malia insisted. "They'll stop you just like last time. This time they will make sure you're dead."

"Please, Malia," Ellie took a sinister step toward her. "Don't take me for a fool. Believe that I am fully prepared for what happens next."

Ellie flicked her finger toward Malia and the stake flew out of the dead vampire, racing toward Malia's neck. Malia closed her eyes tightly, preparing for the stake to pierce her carotid and kill her. The pain never came. She opened her eyes and saw the stake hovering at her neck, the point only a centimeter from her skin.

"That was fun," Ellie smiled. "Let's go. Start walking."

Malia glared at Ellie before she began walking, the stake floating just as close to her neck with every movement.

Ellie's car was parked out front and she popped the trunk.

"Be a good girl and get in," Ellie gestured toward the trunk. "I can't have you causing problems on the drive."

"Where are we going?"

"I don't think you're in a position to be asking questions here. Hurry up."

Malia sent a resentful glance toward Ellie before climbing into the small trunk and lying down on her side. Ellie grabbed some thick rope and tied it tightly around Malia's hands and then feet. Then she sent a smirk to Malia and closed the trunk over her.

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