Chapter Forty-Seven | The Last Stand

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Their trip into the Bayou, convincing Marigold, it was for nothing. Donnie had still found her, and now she was secluded. Malia's legs felt weak. Her heart pounded in her chest. When she saw the shock on Malia's face, Ellie's mouth twisted into a twisted grin that didn't reach her eyes.

"Well be quick about it," Malia heard the annoyed tone from Marigold inside the house.

"How did you find me?" Malia asked, her voice barely a whisper. She was almost completely sure the witches couldn't hear her, but the wind must have carried her voice because Ellie was quick with a retort.

"You didn't really think you could get away, right? I mean, how stupid would we have to be?"

"Who's there?" Marigold's footsteps pounded against the wood as she stormed toward the door. Malia heard her grab the rifle by the door and cock it, appearing beside Malia. "Trouble already, girl? I should've known."

"You ain't welcome here," Marigold shouted to the witches. "These here are wooden bullets. I'd get out of here if I was you."

Donnie was unbothered. He didn't even look away from Malia as he brought a hand up and Marigold crumpled to the ground beside Malia. Malia jumped in shock.

"What the hell? She didn't do anything!" Malia dropped to her knees to check Marigold's pulse.

"It's okay, Lia. I just put her to sleep. She'll wake in a few hours."

"You, on the other hand," Ellie started walking to Malia. As she got closer, Malia could see a thin layer of sweat on her brow. Her eyes flashed with a wild look. There was nowhere to run.

Malia scrambled to her feet. She couldn't go into the house, the windows were too small to go through and the only door was the front. She had no choice but to throw herself over the railing of the porch. 

The downward momentum was too strong and she heard a discomforting crack as she landed on the ground below. Pain jolted from her ankle up her leg, but she couldn't dwell on it. She got to her feet and started to run.

Behind her, Ellie used magic to aid her jump and her feet touched the ground with no trouble. She flicked her wrist and it felt like a hand wrapped around Malia's cracked ankle and pulled. Hard.

Malia let out a scream of both pain and terror as she collapsed. She bit something inside her mouth on the way down and felt it fill with blood. Jagged rocks and twigs dug into her hands and scratched at her face. She tried to get up, but the invisible hand kept pulling her back, scraping her body against the ground.

"That's enough, Elora."

Malia hadn't noticed Donnie approaching, but as she opened her eyes, he was standing above her and offering a hand to help her up.

Malia glared at him and spit. A glob of blood and saliva landed by his feet.

"You will respect Adonis," Ellie screamed in fury. 

Malia looked at the girl, shocked. There was something different about Ellie today. Something more dangerous, more unstable. Malia did not like being the object of her fury.

"Step away from the girl and we may make your death as quick as possible. Fail to do so, and rest assured that we will make it long and painful."

Malia's body filled with relief when she heard Elijah's voice. She looked over and saw the three Mikaelson siblings at her rescue. All at once, they disappeared from view.

Objects began flying at Ellie and Donnie, and Malia flattened herself to the ground and remained as still as possible to avoid any hitting her. Donnie used magic to swat them away with ease.

"You fools," Donnie lifted a hand, stopping the three Originals in their tracks, mid-run. "I was created to destroy you, do you really think you could overpower me so easily?"

The siblings each screamed as Donnie snapped their bones. Blood began pouring from their eyes and nostrils. They choked on it as it clogged their throats.

From the ground beside him, Malia screamed at him to stop, but he did not.

"I will destroy you, each of you, in slow, agonizing ways. The torment you have caused on this earth is immeasurable. The lives you have taken are uncountable. You pursued Malia, an innocent bystander in all of this, and brought her into your filth. I will make you pay for the damage you've done, believe me."

Fire burned in his eyes and the veins in his neck popped with anger. He snapped their necks, then threw each of them into the sharp posts of the wooden fence. Their deaths were only temporary, but it would buy him time.

He stared at their greying bodies, huffing air. Even as he hurt them, the loathing he felt did not subside. He would not gain any feeling of true satisfaction until they were dead for good.

He noticed Malia's pleadings had ceased and he turned his head to where he last saw her. She was missing, as was Ellie.

"No," Adonis whispered. He took off in a run, chasing wherever Malia was being taken. Ellie had some sort of special hatred for Malia, and he knew she wasn't above hurting her.

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