Chapter Five | Sweet Beginnings

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"Black Coffee" by Sarah Vaughan

In the morning, Malia decided to explore a bit of New Orleans. She buttoned up her heavy coat and slipped on a pair of earmuffs to keep away the bitter cold before heading out to explore the historic districts of New Orleans.

She weaves down the streets and notes the local restaurants and businesses. In the warmer months, there's supposed to be a daily market in the area, but for now, the streets were mostly bare. As she rounds the corner back to her home, Malia catches the sweet scent of fried dough and coffee, drifting from a cafe nearby.

She follows her nose inside. The bell above the door gives a ding, announcing her arrival. The girl at the counter greets her in turn.

"Hi," Malia returns the smile. "Could I get a coffee and a beignet? I just moved here, I figure it's time to try one."

"You got it," the girl starts the order. "When was the big move?"

"About three weeks now."

"Wow, it really is about time for a beignet. Trust me, you'll be hooked. These things are like drugs."

The girl hands Malia a fresh beignet and watches as she takes her first bite.

"Oh my god," Malia stares down at the pastry, a bit of powdered sugar falling from her mouth.

"Right? We've got you on the hook now."

"You're right. This is great. Could I actually get another?" Malia wipes the side of her mouth, knocking some more sugar to the floor.

"Of course! Here, try it with some strawberry jam."

"Okay, I'm definitely going to be back here. I'm Malia."

"Nelle," the worker responds with a grin. "Good to meet you, Malia."

"You too, Nelle," Malia takes a sip of her coffee as a thought occurs to her. "Hey, do you know any good bookshops around here?"

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