Chapter Three | Sweet Conversation

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"The Nearness of You" by Norah Jones

Malia had been asked back to the club for a series of shows. Most of them were solo, but the pianist for a band had dropped out and she found herself playing with a drummer, bassist, and full horn line one evening.

The weekend had just begun and all of the snow from earlier in the week had melted. The weather had warmed slightly, drawing out larger crowds. On this evening, the club was packed. Malia played until the band announced a short break, and then she went to the bar for a drink.

"G&T, please," she asked the bartender. She had only one sip of her drink before a familiar voice spoke to her.

"Another great performance, Malia," Klaus said her name with gentle emphasis.

"Klaus," Malia smiled at him. "You're back."

"You never did tell me what brought you to town."

"How do you know I'm not from here?" Malia challenged lightheartedly.

"I know this town well, and I think I'd recognize a face like yours."

"Oh, he's a flirt!" Malia laughed. "Does that line usually work?"

"Worth a go," Klaus looked at her. "So?"

"The usual I guess. I needed a change," Malia turned to her drink and took a big sip before continuing. "My, uh, sister died. And I broke up with my boyfriend. And there just wasn't really a whole lot for me back home."

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that. It must have been difficult."

Malia pursed her lips before continuing. "What about you, are you from around here?"

"Not exactly, but it feels like home. I've been gone for a while, but I plan to stay."

"Gone where?" Malia leans in a bit for an answer.

"Oh, here and there."

"Very specific. Okay, where were you most recently?"

Klaus pauses for a second. "Virginia."

"What's in Virginia?"

Klaus looks at her for a second but doesn't answer.

"Oh, I see," Malia says, bringing her drink back towards her mouth for a drink. "A girl. So you needed a change, too."

Malia orders two shots and passes one to Klaus.

"To change," Malia toasts, lifting her shot. "Whatever that brings."

Klaus lifts his drink to hers.

"To change, then."

They down the shots. Malia closes her eyes tightly as the burn flows down her throat and into her stomach. Klaus watches her with amusement. His attention is drawn away as his phone begins to ring.

"What is it, brother?" he answers.

Malia watches as his expression shifts and his lips tighten.

"I'm on my way," he hangs up his phone and turns to Malia. "Sorry, love. I have some business I need to take care of."

"Of course. See you later, Klaus," Malia smiles at him.

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