Chapter Sixteen | Forget What You Think You Know

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"On a Misty Night" by John Coltrane

Malia was sat in the living room, receiving somewhat of a lecture on all things mystical.

"What about garlic? Silver? Do you have a reflection? I can see your shadows."

"Well now you're just pulling out every stereotype in the book," Elijah says. "None of that's an issue."

"How will I protect myself if vampires are apparently invulnerable?"

"You will not be able to protect yourself," he responds. "If you were able to overpower a vampire, you could stab them through the heart with a wooden stake or remove their head or heart. Prolonged exposure to sunlight will kill them, and vervain would burn them and protect you from compulsion, but you apparently don't need that."

"Wait, sunlight? But I've seen both of you out during the day."

Elijah held up his hand and flashed his ring.

"Few vampires have what we call a 'daylight ring.' It protects us from harm in the sun. If I take it off . . ."

Elijah removed the ring for a second and Malia gasped as his skin instantly blistered and began to smoke. 

"Elijah!" She got up to help him but he put his ring back on and his skin began to heal. 

She sat back down, a little embarrassed by her reaction. Obviously, he wouldn't just end his life right there. 

"So if I'm completely helpless against vampires, what am I supposed to do?"

"My brother and I will watch over you. Of course, you'll have to move in here."

"What? No way, I'm not moving in with two people I just met, and whom I apparently have absolutely no hope of protecting myself against."

"I've already promised you that I will not hurt you. You will be safe here."

"You expect me to just take you at your word? Aren't I in more danger with the two of you? No one even knows about this compulsion thing."

"Someone knows."

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