Chapter Thirty-Five | Donnie

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Malia and her twin sat on the freshly made beds of their shared dorm room. The start of college brought a level of excitement for both of the girls that they hadn't felt since before their parents died.

"Okay, sis. Time for a recap of today. I met a potential friend, Elora. She's a little weird, but I think I like her. What about you?"

Malia chewed her lip, grinning at her sister.

"So I was looking at the local bars for somewhere to do my piano thing. I figure it's time to finally start playing for some money. There was this guy there playing in a band. A bassist."

"A bassist?" her sister wiggles her eyebrows. "Do I detect future tiny musicians running around the house?"

"Oh my god," Malia laughs, giving her sister a playful shove. "I'm serious. I really like him."

Her sister laughs, grabbing a pillow to tuck under herself as she leans forward. 

"So then tell me more. What's his name?"

Malia blushed and looked down.



It had taken convincing for the Mikaelson brothers to let Malia go back to work, and only during the daytime. They were worried about her safety, but they were also worried about her mental health.

She had been suffering from nightmares so terrible that she forced herself to remain awake until she couldn't fight the sleep any longer. The brothers would find her staring in the distance, unable to sense her surroundings until whatever memory she was reliving had subsided.

The piano was always her safe space. It was how she expressed her emotions and dealt with troubling times. But as she played the cafe that afternoon, she just stopped cold in the middle of a song.

Both brothers and Nelle and Birdy had gone to show support and watch over her. When Malia just sat there, staring at her finger over the note, they all exchanged worried glances.

"M?" Nelle got up to check on her friend. "Is everything okay?"

Malia just started playing again as if nothing had happened, as if she had just snapped out of a trance.

"Okay, that was weird," Nelle said as she sat back down. "What can we even do for her? I'm at a loss, here."

Birdy held her hand and rubbed small circles in it.

"All we can do is be here for her," Birdy says.

"Speak for yourself," Klaus responds. "I am going to kill every last witch that had anything to do with making her like this."
Malia wandered out of the house while the brothers were distracted, needing some fresh air and to be alone.

She passed through crowds of people and threw some coins in the open guitar case of a street busker. She tried to enjoy to warming spring air and the appeal of New Orleans, but her thoughts kept falling back to her torture.

"Malia," a familiar voice pulled her from her thoughts. She turned to see Donnie and actually felt thankful for the distraction.

"Is there somewhere we can talk?" He asked her.

She agreed to sit down with him for some coffee on the patio of a nearby cafe.

"I need to apologize for what happened back home, Lia. I wasn't myself and I pushed you away."

Malia sighed and looked into her coffee, not answering.

"Lia?" he leaned toward her, trying to get her attention. "I said I'm sorry for how I acted. It wasn't right, especially after your sister. You needed me."

"It doesn't matter anymore, Donnie," Malia said. "I've had other things on my mind."

"I want a second chance with you," Donnie admitted. "I'll do anything for a second chance with you."

"Donnie, I can't."

"Is it that guy from before?" Donnie's jaw clenched and anger flashed in his eyes.

"It's not that. I-" Malia cut herself off, knowing she shouldn't say it.

"What?" he demanded.

"I don't love you anymore. Not like that," Malia admitted.

After a moment of silence, she brought her eyes up to try to gauge his reaction. He was clearly upset, his eyes darting around as if lost in thought.

"This is ridiculous," he finally says. "I won't let anyone take you from me. We had something, Lia. We were in love. You don't just forget about that."

"I didn't forget Donnie. Things change," Malia is only halfway through her sentence when Donnie stands up to storm out.

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