Chapter 7 - Explanation

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"Okay, in a minute."

I grab my phone while I wait for her to finish changing, answering yet another of my sister's queries involving a cake fail and icing disaster. I typed a quick response, rolling my eyes and groaning as she sent back another request. I choose to ignore it and instead watch the hands tick over to 6 on the big clock on the walls. On 6 exactly, Mapi comes strolling out, hands tucked into the small pockets of the denim shorts she'd managed to whip out of nowhere. Tucked into the blue was a white ribbed tank top, a bit of her stomach on show from where it had ridden up within the first 3 steps she'd walked. She had a silver chain around her neck, which perfectly framed the tattoo around her neck. However, most of the other inks were covered up by a colourful, unbuttoned shirt.
"How the fuck did all that fit in your bag." I ask, shaking my head and breaking my eyes away from her biceps, highlighted by the tightness of the shirt.

She laughs at my reaction, making me scowl teasingly. Once more, I grab her wrists and start pulling her out of the hotel room I was staying in, not forgetting to lock the door behind me.
"Do you have somewhere in mind, Moore?" Mapi asks, somehow with a straight face instead of the smirk I knew she was bursting to give.

I give her a side eye before answering. "I haven't been here in 7 years. If I knew where I was going, I wouldn't have google maps up on my phone." Sarcasm dripped through my voice and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Fuck the robot I know where to go." She says confidently, one hand on her hip as she uses the other to slip a pair of black sunglasses over her nose.

Raising my eyebrows, I reason: "You got lost just yesterday."

"bueno, mierda." (Well. Shit.)  Mapi pouts and crosses her arms over her chest, stomping behind me as I navigate through the busy streets of Barcelona. I didn't know exactly where either was heading, I asked for a restaurant and it gave me the nearest one, my laziness winning the 3 stars over. Every so often from behind me, I hear her huff out pathetically making me smile every so often. "Cheer up, Maps. 3 years older than me, not 3 years old." I tease, turning round to meet her eye before flicking at her nose with my thumb.

Other than that the journey was smooth and we ended up squished into a corner booth of a cosy restaurant with an American theme - much to Mapi's disappointment. The waitress, however, is still Spanish with a very strong Spanish accent and very much proves the stereotype of all Spaniards being touchy feely. Everytime she leant close, I'd pull away and she'd receive a death glare from Mapi. It took us a good 15 minutes to order our meal, with me stumbling over my Spanish, the waitress getting into my personal space, Mapi interrupting to correct my Spanish and then ordering herself, delaying a normal 2 minute job.

Eventually, she walks away and we're left alone on the plump red leather of the booth.
She sips at a water, leaning down to meet the straw but still staring at me through her long lashes. "Don't give me that look, Marìa." I frown, causing her to blink at me innocently.

"What look?"

"The look that tells me you want something."

"I do want something, though."

I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose. "Right. Answers. Correct. Okay. So basi- oh look! Our foods here!" I stall, taking the tray from the waitress and waving her off.

"Lottie." She scowls.
"Mapi." I mimic her scowl.
She glares at me but takes her food, stabbing it frustratedly.
"I didn't spend my entire night half asleep for you to just say 'congrats you found my secret identity.' And leave it at that."
I don't answer, keeping my eyes focused on the fries held together in a red bucket. I hear her sigh and I can imagine her flicking a hand through her hair. She chews on her food loudly, trying to force a reaction out of me by using my biggest pet peeve. I clench my jaw and try to ignore it, adding salt to my chips in the most unevenly distributed way known to man. She continues with her chewing, smirking as she sees my eye twitch angrily.
"For fucks sake, Mapi. Please, chew with your mouth closed!" I yelled out unexpectedly, almost giving the old lady sitting behind us a heart attack. She looks pleased with herself, but closes her mouth and starts eating.

"You remember Bobby, don't you?" I ask.

"Robert Guepo? Our old coach?" She frowns in confusion, clicking in my face to get me to look at her straight on.

"Yes, Bobby. He.. Well. When he passed away he told me I couldn't stop playing. He told me to take the offer from UCLA, move to America and not look back. I was scared, you know? And.. Well. I accepted the offer on the condition I could go under the name Peyton Moore. It's my dad's, mum's, brothers, wife's, half sisters last name. And Peyton is my American cousin's middle name." I can see her start to draw out my family tree in her head, her finger coming up and starting to draw imaginary lines in front of her eyes. I shake my head and giggle at her, making her smile at my reaction.

"Okay. But why change your name?"

I try to think of a good reason as to why I did it, but it ends up sounding miserable and pathetic. "I wanted to fit in? I had claims to the Uswnt. Can you imagine if I'd turned up there with the name Carlota Aguila? "

"Lottie. That's not true, you love your name." She argues, squeezing my hand from where it picks away at some chips.

"Oka(✨️)y.. so I may have gotten myself arrested, too." I wince at my own words, but I hear Mapi make a shocked squeal and squeeze even harder, most likely cutting off my blood circulation.

"ARRESTED? CARLOTA AGUILA I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE BAD INFLUENCE!" She yells, but I know she's only joking.

"Yep, well, I've stolen your title."

"What did you do!" Still streaking, I get another weird look from the old lady nearby.

"Hit a guy. And faked an ID. I was 17 and wanted a drink so I got my sister to get me an ID but I got myself into some trouble, hit a pedo, got kicked out, started a fight with said Pedo, taken to the station then they found out I faked my ID! I got Amalia to bail me out, and I swore her to secrecy, but it was still on my record, and that would impact my entire future."

Mapi rolls her eyes and laughs. "And so your safest option is to change your name?"

"I panicked!" I argue, my face blushing a bright red.

"Bless you, you poor girl." Her eyebrows crease, and she juts out her bottom lip teasingly.

"God! You're so immature." I slip my hand out of her hold and fold them over my chest, and she mimics me jokingly. I bring my eyes up to meet hers, but they stop halfway, trailing over her tattoos, which are now uncovered, due to the rolled up sleeves of her shirt. Her muscles are flexed with her position, and I if I had looked up, I would have seen her eyes narrow and her ears tint pink.

I hear her exhale loudly, and then she begins to speak once more. "So, about this wedding, then."

(HAHA, IT'S YOUR GO, does1tmatt3r ENJOY!! LOVE YA <3)

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