Chapter 29 - Overcoming Hurdles

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The second she turns her back to me I know we have issues. My suspicions are confirmed when I call her back for a kiss, and she doesn't even turn back. Anger bubbles inside of me. She said she would support me no matter what I did, so why do I get the feeling that she doesn't like what I've chosen?

The first time me and Mapi ever got into an argument, I was 15. She was telling me about her dreams and ambitions, about moving to Barcelona in the coming years. It made me want to cry, the prospect of being left here without my very own Mapi.

“I swear to god! It was a mistake, Lottie! Of course I want you in Barcelona with me!” Mapi rolls her eyes for the umpteenth time today and my chest shudders once more.

“No! You said you wanted to branch out from here, become independent. You wouldn't be independent with me there too!” I argue back, even though my point is useless. I'm being selfish and cruel to her, but the idea of her leaving makes me feel all empty inside. “You were totally ready to leave me here on my own!”

She’s angry, her eyebrows are twitching slightly in the corner and the vein in her neck looks ready to burst. “If you're scared of being alone when you're older then maybe, we can start early!”

“What are you on about?” I yell, almost in tears when she turns on her heels. She snarls and marches out of my bedroom, storming down the stairs past my clueless mother.

She had the very same look in her eye then, that she had today. It was empty and unforgiving, even if she had forgiven me. It's one you don't easily forget, despite me being on the receiving end very few times. The second she'd given it to me I wanted to apologise but I was firm in my opinion that day, and now. Spain could negatively affect my career, but I won't have a career if I don't do it. I need this more than ever. For personal closure and for any chance at a club other than the Wave.

I was set on my decision, but a tiny bit of doubt flickered in my mind at her reaction. This is what I need, but is it what I want?

I want my career to be a success. I want my future to be clear. I want to play in a world cup. I want to win a world cup.

But, most importantly, I want Mapi to be happy. I want me and her to work.

I wanted to chase after her the minute she slammed my door, but my feet stuck to the floor and refused to let me move. Tears are welling up in my eyes and I let them fall. My mum was walking up the stairs to no doubt ask me about why Mapi had stormed out of her house, yet I found myself backing into the corner with my bed in and hiding myself within the quilts. Heavy sobs rack through my body and I struggle to keep the emotions at bay as my shoulders tremble uncontrollably.

It seemed like forever that I was hidden there, realistically only a couple hours. Knocks had been placed on my door, but with no response they had given up and the last 30 minutes had been rather peaceful. I probably would have stayed there for much longer, the bubble I had created warm and safe from any more hurt. I was disturbed, however, when a heavy weight sat itself at the edge of my bed.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I peaked out above the quilt. “Hey there, sunshine. Ready to see the light of day?” She teases, but her eyes are a similar red to mine and just as swollen. Upon realising who it was, I quickly threw the blanket back over my head and buried myself further into the mattress. “Hey! Don't you go back hiding from me, young lady.” Mapi's hand clenched around the material and tugged lightly until it slipped off my head. “There she is.” She smiles lightly, a tiny blush painting the tips of her ears.

I wanted to crawl into her arms and sob a bit longer, but I was stubborn and grit my teeth. “Go away, Mapi.” I mutter, but very little confidence makes its way into my speech.

“We both know I won't do that, conejita.” She says gently, her hand sweeping a loose strand of hair out of my face. My ears feel hot, and I know they've turned red at her actions.

“I hate it when you speak Spanish.” I state simply.

“And why is that, bonita?”

I huff frustratedly before responding: “Cause I can't understand what you're saying!”
Mapi smirks, and her smile is infectious. A tiny smile twitches at my cheeks and I can't help but let it grow across my face.

“Success! I got you smiling again!” She cheers, arms above her head in celebration. I laugh at her slightly, and she grins. “I'm really sorry about what I said earlier, Lottie. I want you there by my side as I achieve my biggest goals. I want you there in the crowd when I win my Ballon d'or. You're my favourite human being, Carlota Aguila, and I hope you never forget that.”

Feeling guilty, I'm sobbing again, hiding my face into the palms of my hands as Mapi frowns in confusion. “Did I say something wrong?”

I shake my head vigorously before hurtling myself into her. She's taller and stronger, and her arms instantly wrap around my back to keep me there. My tears are running into her shirt and a dark wet patch forms on her chest where my head lays. “I'm sorry Mapi. I was so selfish. I just didn't want you to leave me alone, I don't know what I'd do without you!” Her hand is rubbing therapeutically at my back in gentle circles, calming my breathing down to a settled sequence.

“It's not selfish to feel afraid, Lots. You were afraid of being alone, and that's understandable.” She comforts, pausing before a massive grin breaks out across her face. “Besides, there's no need to be afraid - because I'm not going anywhere without you.”

I somehow think Mapi isn't going to come running back this time, leaving me almost gormless in an expensive-looking hotel room. A sinking feeling sets into my chest when I realise that. We aren't what we were.

And suddenly, everything that we have feels so small. We rushed into a relationship, thinking we'd been deprived all these years, not bothering to rekindle what we had before.
Is this the world telling me we will never have what we had, before fate tore us apart?

(Sorry this took so long, lucky for you it's does1tmatt3r go next so it won't be long. Super tired, gonna sleep. Love ya<3)

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