Chapter 11 - Lost

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My realisation eats away at my consciousness, and I've never been so eager to escape my sister. I want to get away from here. I want to run and escape. The second Mapi entered my mind. Everything I thought I knew came crashing down. 

I'm Carlota Aguila, ¾ Spanish. ¼ American. I lived in America till I was 4, then me and my family and I left for Spain. When in Spain I met my best friend Mapì Leòn. When I was 18, I left, and I became Peyton Moore, who was just Lottie with a different name. I had a disastrous love life, but then I met Lucas. Lucas is my boyfriend. Because I'm straight.. right?

Wrong! Wrong, wrong.
I'm Carlota Aguila, ¾ Spanish. ¼ American. I lived in America till I was 4, then me and my family and I left for Spain. When in Spain I met the girl who would be my first love whether i knew it or not.. The girl who would break down all the barriers I had built up until she found my heart before stealing it.

I'm Carlota Aguila, ¾ Spanish. ¼ American. I lived in America till I was 4, then me and my family and I left for Spain. And I am hopelessly in love with my best friend.

Along with my mind, my hands are trembling, and my feet and legs and shoulders and head and everything is shaking. I'm getting weird looks from the people next to me, but all I can do is give them an insufficient smile to tell them I'm alright - which I'm not. My sister is giving me the side eye, and my dad thinks I'm having a seizure. Wonderful.

As soon as the reception was over, I jumped to my feet, ignoring the sharp glare from my sister. I give her a weak, apologetic smile and continue my brisk walk forward.

I'm vaguely aware that my phone is buzzing away in my pocket, but I decide for now that ignorance is bliss. Pausing just outside the door, I take a deep breath in, pick up the blue sweater from the floor, and yank it over my head again. The scent provides instant comfort, a sweet blend of vanilla and heather, her chosen perfume. I start walking again, the fresh air hitting me like a brick once out of the stuffy old church.
I find myself heading in a direction I hadn't been to before, my feet going faster than my head could understand. My breathing was heavy and uneven, my knees still trembling under my body's weight. My surroundings were hazy and unclear, and the populated streets were noisy and suffocating. I didn't stop moving. The ache in my muscles was almost welcomed by my confused daze.

By the time my breathing had steadied, I was in the middle of nowhere. I didn't know the area at all. Everything was unfamiliar and different to the Barcelona I knew. It was getting dark, pale pinks and oranges slithering away while darkness took over. It was silent almost, eery and uncomfortable. I start to walk again, trying every corner to find a route that I recognise.

I'm fucking lost.

In the middle of nowhere.

In a city I haven't properly visited in 7 years.

I panic.

I felt my heart race as footsteps got closer and then further once more. My hands were fiddling with the material of the hoodie, its scent no longer comforting but more a reminder of what a shocking situation I found myself in. I hated the silence. It was almost suffocating. My eyes clenched shut as once more footsteps began to creep from behind me. I spin on my heels to face the noise, but it's gone almost immediately. Turning in circles, my head starts to spin and my hands go sweaty, I feel sick and tears prick at my eyes. For fucks sake.
My first response is to call my sister, but how do I explain my situation? Oh yeah sorry sis but I think I like my best friend and I panicked so I started walking and didn't pay attention to where I was going.
Not a chance.

My next idea was to call Mapi, but a similar problem occurred. But what else was I meant to do?

My hands felt clammy and hot as I dug around in my pocket for my phone, its bright screen lighting up the area I was in. Trembling, I unlocked it and tried desperately to find Mapi's contact. I prayed she still had the same number, because despite meeting her again I haven't checked and with my luck, I wouldn't be surprised.

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