Chapter 19 - Not Impressed

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When the half time whistle finally blows, my knees buckle and my heart beat increases. Distantly, I can hear my team's confident cheers, the crowd's encouragement and the nagging of my coach on the sidelines (which I try to ignore). Two nil down, with their players going back to more defensive positions to keep the score line the same. I can't imagine getting a goal now, the pressure they're putting on us, too significant to ignore. Every tackle is harsh and unruly, every shove just a little cruel. Slowly, I make my way over to the changing rooms, clapping my hands to the regulars as I pass the season ticket stand.

It's then that I spot the familiar tattoo. She sat just wide of the tunnel, above the sub benches and it would have been impossible to not see her. My heart thumps in my chest, but for a reason no longer involving the game. Hands clammy, I clench them together and my eyes widen. I can't do anything other than smile as cameras and fans surround me, yet she smiles back with a look speaking a million words. It's soft and sweet and warming and my heart melts at its familiarity.

I didn't realise I was missing her so much until she was there, in front of me but just out of reach. I hover just a little longer, biting my lip before forcing myself to move away from her gaze as Alex comes patting my back.

"Peyton, coach wants us all in now." She says, and I tear myself away from the comfort of the hazel eyes.

The half time talk is gruelling and harsh, Casey not forgetting anyone's mistake and picking up on them. She's telling us that she 'expects more' and that 'we're not working hard enough' clearly not realising the extent of our fight for a goal from her place on the sideline. It finally comes to an end when an official pops her head in and tells us that we're ready to restart, the team starting to head out back to the field.

I go to follow them but a hand wraps around my wrist forcing me to turn back and stare into the eyes of my captain and manager.
"You're playing shitty." Is all Casey says, earning a look from Alex.
My face crumples and I turn to the brunette for some consolidation but her look doesn't meet my eye.

"I- well. No. You're clearly distracted, Peyton. And it's affecting your gameplay. It is a disappointing performance." She explains, as if it softens the blow any more. "We decided that you have 15 more minutes on the pitch and if you can't prove yourself, you'll find yourself on the bench for the rest of this game and next."

My heart shatters and I grit my teeth, nodding and accepting the hug from Alex. "Alright. Be out in a minute then, Pey." She makes a move out of the room and leaves me standing gormless in the centre, on my own. Almost immediately, I raced to my locker and pulled out my phone, pinging Mapi a text that I had been wanting to send before I was rudely interrupted.

Next half I'm scoring a goal for you.

As soon as I'm back on the field, the whistle blows and the match begins once more. A new fire burns at my insides, a new found determination after the insults thrown at me by my coach. The ball sticks to my feet in the most perfect way, travelling down the field like two rockets were attached to the back of my boots.

Somewhere, in the furthest corner of my brain, I can feel Mapi's eyes staring proudly at me, a sensation I had come to miss in my weeks away from her. But I had to focus, keep my eye on the prize.

I manage to power the ball down to Alex in the number 9 position, her shot going to the cross bar as she groans frustratedly when the goalie catches it when it falls. She gives me a sorry look but I ignore it. I'm not sure why I felt such a betrayal from the woman, but my guts ached in pain when she gave me a pity look.

The ball is sent back to our half but Kailen gets hold of it and powers it down to the wing, my side. I chest it down to my feet and turn around the nearest defender, eyeing down my next opponent as she interlocks her legs with mine to poke the ball away. However, I flick it above her head and take a touch, now outside the 18yrd box. I can see a couple of the opposition making a run from me and I panic, Alex still trying to get her way up to me but being marked by a player herself. Instead I look dead on into the goalkeeper's eyes and boot it forward, my laces hitting the ball with a satisfying swoop.

I didn't expect it to go in, only to distract the goalkeeper until more of my players got down to help out. So when the ball slots perfectly into the top bins I stop my onslaught, grinning to myself and making a beeline for the stands I knew Mapi was sitting in. For a minute, I can't see her, until the dashing brown meets the grey of my eyes and I grin at her. To anyone around me, it looks like I'm celebrating with the crowd but with my eyes making no contact except for with Mapi's, it's clear what my true intentions are.

Casey is clapping, but it looks sarcastic as if my goal was mediocre. But I ignore it and reposition myself back on the field.

The rest of the game passes rather quickly, a bunch of missed shots from Angel City and a lot of close from us leaving the spectators on edge as to how the game would end, but a last minute header from Van Egmond sends the score level to 2:1, a win for the Wave after my stunt away.

She celebrates with me, my corner being the cause of her success as we dance around stupidly.

Finally, the final whistle blows and I'm making my circuit around the pitch as per usual, not wanting to spend too much time with the fans unless the fan is 5"7 with bleached blonde and brunette hair. I stick only to my necessary interactions, my steps quicker than usual as I round the corner nearing Mapi and her massive grin. Until finally, I get close enough to pull her into me, a short hug over the barrier to keep everything away from the prying eyes of the public.

"I'm so proud of you, Babygirl.' She whispers, fingers twirling and tucking a loose strand of hair until it's wrapped around my ear.

"What are you doing here, Leòn!" I hiss but she knows it's only playful.

"I was told to look for potential talent. Have you seen any?" Mapi teases, forcing a small laugh out of me. I can feel the burning eyes of my teammates blazing into the back of my head, and I try to cling onto this moment for longer. But I know I have to go when Casey shoots me a glare.

"I have to go. Wait for me out back?" I ask, pulling her into one last hug and feeling her nod against me. She waves as I go, backing into the tunnel to keep the interaction going for as long as possible.

I hurried into the locker room again, sensing another lecture by the looks of my teammates' faces. I guess right, but I don't listen, instead focusing on the memories of the past couple of minutes and the happy mush it sends my brain into. Something along the lines of 'Shocking' and 'unlike us' is being said and my nerves fizzle angrily at her words until it's over and she struts out. And then the real interrogation comes.

It's Kailen first, a shit-eating grin consuming most of her facial features.

"Who was the hottie at the end of the game then, Moore." She slides into the seat next to me, currently unoccupied.

"Nobody." I say simply.

She snorts. "Yeah 'cause we definitely believe that. Why won't you tell us? Is it the girl from the other day?"

I try not to react, but I flinch and my entire facade is given away.

"It is! Who is it, Peyton?"

Refusing to answer, I shove my stuff into my bag and stand up, heading for the door. I hear her let out a defeated huff and I smirk before leaving the players exit.

I quickly spot her leant against a lamp post, phone in hand as she waits for my arrival. My steps, along with my heartbeat, pick up and I'm half running to the girl. She notices me by the thudding of my feet, sliding her phone into her pocket and opening her arms.

"There's my little pocket rocket!" She lifts me into her arms and spins me around, grinning to herself at the term of endearment. "I'm so proud of you! What a goal!" Mapi keeps showering me with praise, only putting me down when her head starts to spin and she's stumbling. And then she places her hands across my cheeks and pulls my lips towards hers, meeting in a bruising kiss.

What I don't expect, is to be broken up by an uncomfortable clearing of the throat and a:
"What is going on here?"

(2 chapters in 1 day!! Aren't you a lucky bunch. Sorry does1tmatt3r but its your go again. Have fun. Leave a comment. Love ya! <3)

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