Chapter 20 - Cheat Food

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She did exactly what she said she would. Went back out there, scored a goal, smiled at me afterwards in a way that made my heart beat entirely too fast, told me where to meet her when the match was over, and continued to fight for the rest of the game. Then I did what I told Ale I would, and I kissed her, before we were rudely interrupted.

“What is going on here?”

I pull away from Lottie as if I am a little kid who's been caught doing something wrong, before realising that I’m a fully grown woman who is allowed to kiss her girlfriend if she wants to. So, I grab ahold of Lottie’s hand as we turn to find who the voice belongs to. I hear Lottie let out a breath of relief, as her hand becomes less tense around me.

“Alex. Please never do that again.” Lottie says, and begins to walk towards her. I follow, not wanting to let go of her. “Alex this is Mapi, Mapi this is Alex.”
“So your girl’s a footballer then,” Alex says, telling us that she’s heard of me, “nice to meet you.”
“Mucho gusto.” I reply. I don’t really know what else to say. Luckily Lottie has that sorted.
“What are you doing here then?”
“Waiting for my husband and daughter. Apparently she’s been a bit upset today, so I don’t want her in front of crowds at the moment.” Alex explains to us.
“Ah, okay. Well we should probably head off then,” Lottie replies, “see you at training on Friday.”
“See you then Pey.”

Lots stops moving for a moment. She opens her mouth and then closes it again, before continuing to walk. We get to the end of the street, and then suddenly she turns back, and shouts what she’s been wanting to say.

“Call me Lottie! Alex, my actual name, the one my parents gave me and I’ve used for most of my life, is Carlota, and I think I want to start using it again.”
“Okay Lottie.” Alex replies, not missing a beat. One thing I love about the people involved in women’s football is that they just accept things instantly like this. “Just around the team, or around everyone?”
“The team for now.” Lottie says. “Thank you.” Then we’re off again, finding an Uber to my hotel room.

Lottie left most of her stuff at the stadium, but says she’ll go get it at some point tomorrow. When I asked her why she left in such a rush she told me that she didn’t know how long I’d be here, and just wanted to spend the time with me. I probably would have done that same thing if I were in her shoes. My entire team knows who much Lottie being around affected me, and I think Lottie’s team may know more than she’d like about our relationship as well.

It’s late enough in the evening by the time we get to the hotel that we can’t be bothered finding something real to have for dinner, so we end up picking a bunch of interesting looking items from a vending machine to try. I haven’t had any of these foods (I’m not sure you can actually call half of this stuff food, from the way it lacks nutritional value) before because they’re american, and Lots hasn’t had them because she’s an athlete. Not to say athletes don’t enjoy treat food, but the both of us much prefer something that actually tastes good, and isn’t bright orange or neon green. But, there’s a first time for everything.

We take our pile of colourful packages to my room and lay them out on the bed for later. Lots wants a shower, and I want to get changed into more comfortable pants. I rummage through my suitcase to find some trackies, and get changed, before going back through it for something that Lottie can borrow. Seeing as I’m currently wearing a Wave jersey, I feel it’s only right to give her a Barça sweatshirt to borrow. I find another pair of trackies, which I chuck into the bathroom for her, along with the hoodie.

I’m sitting on my phone trying to type a message to the persistent Barça group chat which wants information that I’m not going to give it, when Lottie joins me on the bed while picking up a purple packet.
“Takis. Kailen says these are good, but I don’t trust that girl’s taste buds.”
She opens the packet and offers me one. I take it, but wait for her to have one in her hand as well.
“I was hoping you would tell me if it was good or not.” She sighs dramatically.
“Nope. If this tastes bad we’re going down together.”
“Okay, 3, 2, 1!” She counts down, and I take a bite, knowing full well that she won’t.
“They’re alright,” I tell her, not finding them all that great, before saying, “you have to try whatever's next first now.”
She puts the taki into her mouth, and then has another, and another. “Kailen’s right. These are good.”

I laugh at her as she picks up another packet which has Goldfish written across it. I’ve seen these before, and generally they just look like crackers, but these ones happen to be rainbow coloured. Lots takes a handful.
“These just taste like normal goldfish crackers, as long as you can get over the fact I don’t think anyone should eat crackers that are these colours.”
“I’ll trust you on this one then.” I close my eyes as I eat a couple, and she’s right. They do just taste like plain crackers.
“I think we should save the rest for the morning.”
“Good idea.” I agree, and reach over to turn the lamp on the bedside table off.

I put my arms around Lots, gently playing with her hair, as I listen to her breathing become heavier. My breaths fall in time with hers, as my mind wanders other places. I do however fall asleep not long after her.

We’re lying in bed the next morning as the daylight slowly creeps in through the curtains, when she starts to tell me about her plans for next season. “I think I want to move clubs. Maybe play in the wsl. If they’ll have me that is.” Her head is on my chest, and her eyes look up at mine.
“That sounds fun. Any particular reason why, or do you just want a change in pace?” I ask her.
She’s silent for a second, the gears in her brain ticking.
“It doesn’t matter what you tell me Lottie. I’ll support you no matter what.”
“The environment isn’t exactly the best here for me, and I suppose I’ve also realised that through hiding half of who I am these past few years, I haven’t been living like I want to.”
“Well I know all about working in a bad environment, so I’m all for you moving.”
“I thought you might be, but I still haven’t fully decided yet.”
“Well when you do, I’m with you either way.”

Lottie yawns as she sits up. “What are we going to do today?”
“First on the agenda is to find something for breakfast that isn’t cheetos, then after that you’ve got two options.”
“What if I don’t want to do either of your options?” She smirks at me.
“Then I’ll fly back to Barcelona.” I roll my eyes. “Of course it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to do anything I want to.. I’m here to spend time with you, the activity doesn’t matter.”
“So what are your options then?” She asks.
“The first one is that you indulge in my need to go sightseeing and run around looking like a tourist all day.”
“You are technically a tourist.” Lottie cuts in.
I put my hand over her mouth to shush her, “and the second option is that we go to the places you want to show me, and you think are important to you.”
“We probably could do a mix of both.” Lottie says, and then she pulls out her phone. “This is going to be fun. I’ll show you the part of my life you missed out on.”
“Then I’ll really know everything about you.” I say.
“That you will.” She replies as she leans across to kiss me.

(Awh, well done, does1tmatt3r that's so cute!! And progression on the transition from Peyton to Lottie. Leave a comment! Love ya<3)

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