Chapter 15 - Fondness

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The plane journey home seems so boring compared to the events of the last couple days, mixed with an emotional goodbye from my albeit, half drunk, sister and a heartfelt promise to Mapi and now sitting in a seat, staring at the clouds for 13 hours seems rather unamusing to me. My thoughts were consumed primarily by a possible future, however there was that small part of me that worries. Worries about what will happen when I get back, confront Lucas and 'break his heart'. Worries about how a relationship will work when each of us are 6042 miles away from the other. Worries about what would happen if it all went wrong and we broke up. I do not want to lose her for good.

I let myself think back to my favourite memory of us together, using it as a scapegoat from my own thoughts.

"Lottie? Why are you crying!" Mapi asks, pulling my hands away from my face from my position hunched on the floor.

"He said no! I did everything you told me to do, Maps. B-but he said no and started laughing." I look up at her through watery eyes as her brows furrow and her mouth twitches.

"Oh, Lots. I'm sorry it didn't work out." She says, sitting down next to me, facing the other direction so she could pull my head into her chest. Slowly, her hands work through my hair and she tries to calm my ragged breaths with her. I'm playing with the material of her shirt, twirling it effortlessly between my fingers as Mapi hums a song. We were there until my breathing had synced with hers and my tears were no longer falling and then, only then, did Mapi start talking again. "How about we go home and watch a movie, yeah?" She prompts, letting go of my hair as I turn to face her again.


"Okay." I nod.

Mapi gets up to her feet, brushing the dirt off her shorts and pulling me up as well, patting my bum to get the marks off as well. Her hand slides into mine and a raging blush flushes my cheeks in naivety. "Alright, darling, let's get out of this stuffy old school." She scrunched her nose, clearly not an academic star. I giggle and allow her to pull me through the large school doors. As soon as we're outside, she drops my hand and gives me a sly smirk. "Race you home!" And then she's sprinting off down the streets.

"Mapi!" I yell, chasing after her knowing full well I could outrun her any day. Her small advantage doesn't help much as she rounds the corner only seconds before me. But she's gone. My head whips around searching for the taller brunette. But she's not there. I bite my lip, trying to hide how scared I am. "Mapi?" My voice trembles as I say it, giving me away. I don't get a response, and my heartbeat quickens. I start spinning in circles to locate her which makes it easier for her to sneak up behind me. Her arms snake around my waist, head resting on top of mine and in the process almost scaring the shit out of me. Mapi leant down to my ear, whispering "Boo."

"I hate you." I say to her, shaking her off and gripping onto her wrists as she wiggles out of my tight grip.

"Yeah yeah, no you don't." She grins and we both know she's right.

We eventually made it home. Mapi's home, but it seemed to be mine as well now. "Alright sweets. I'm gonna go get snacks, you find a movie and we'll cuddle down." She says, just as she walks into the kitchen. I do as I'm told and go up to her room, immediately taking her pillow into my arms to get myself comfortable. Picking out a movie was easy work, putting on an English movie with Spanish subtitles, just to make it a bit easier for her. Sitting on her bed, I lay back and start to examine the space, a space I very much have imprinted into my mind.

But one thing catches my eye. A calendar on the wall. One that I hadn't seen before. It was marked out with dates and times, clearly in use. But one square specifically was circled.  February 14th. Valentines day. Hah.

I feel tears prick at my eyes, a memory of the events that had unfolded that day coming to the forefront of my mind. And suddenly I'm sobbing again, the pillow hugged tightly to my chest to silence them. But Mapi knows. Mapi knows everything.

She shoots up the stairs, not caring at all as the drink she was carrying sloshed about in its cup. She bursts through the door, placing the tray and its contents on the floor before flinging herself onto the bed - onto me. "Are you crying about that stupid man slag again?" She asks, not sugarcoating anything. I laugh through my sobs, welcoming her head as it nuzzles its way onto my chest.

"Yes. No. Not him specifically. It's really stupid, actually." I groan, wiping my eyes.

"Nothings stupid when it's about you, Lottie." Mapi says, her fingers now tracing the skin on my arms next to where her head lays. I find myself blushing for a reason I can't place.

"It truly is. I haven't not had a valentine for 7 years, Mapi. Even an 8 year old me could pull!"

I feel her stifle a laugh against my chest and I'm suddenly laughing with her. Taking a breath, she says: "Yeah you're right, it is stupid."

I whack her gently, trying to push her head off of me but she fights against me and keeps herself there. I give up and relax all my muscles, my hands reaching round her body to stroke through her hair. We go silent, but it's comfortable as it always is. Both snacks and movies are long forgotten. It's just us together, basking in the warmth of each other's company.

"I can be your valentine." She murmurs, breath hot on my skin.

"I think that's illegal." I giggle, but she frowns.


I thought over her question for a second, trying to find a good way to explain it. "Well you're 18 now, Maps. An adult. I'm only 15, I'm a minor." She hums at my reasoning and doesn't speak for another minute, and this time my breathing catches in my throat at the silence.

"Nobody has to know."

"Then what's the point of you being my valentine?"

I realise that the pattern she's drawing on my arm is different now, tiny hearts being scratched into my skin with the utmost care. "Peace of mind?" Mapi offers, but I know she's struggling too.


We grin at each other stupidly, settling into each other's arms as the movie and snacks are remembered. None of us are paying attention to what's on the screen, more on our company. I'm picking out every little thing I love about Mapi, every little imperfection. Every scar and bruise and chip marks a reminder of why she's my best friend. A reminder of what we've been through together, to get us to this point.

And it's as my fingers trailing down her form that I find something I can only guess was an impulsive decision. Small, printed handwriting perfectly traced onto her skin in black ink. 6 words, permanently imprinted into her skin.
'L, the other half of me."
Her very first tattoo, dedicated to me.

The memory sits comfortably in the forefront of my mind for the rest of the journey, my brain unconsciously picking out every piece of affection passed between the two of us as the heart swells happily. I can only pray it's happy beating lasts long enough for forever.

(A bit of a flashback chapter for you all because I have no creativeness. Let's hope Em's chapter sparks more interest. Also, good morning, Emmy. I gift you an unwritten chapter. Leave a comment! Love ya<3)

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