Chapter 30 - Pina's Plans

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Every time I've been angry at Lottie I've always run back to her. Every time I've been angry at Lottie I've always realised that I'd rather have her in my life than be fighting with her, no matter what the reason is. This is still true. I'd rather have her in my life than be fighting with her, but waking up this morning I was still angry that she chose to play for Spain. At breakfast, I was still angry that she chose to play for spain. And now, almost at the end of our morning training session, I am still angry that she chose to play for Spain. But, I'm not angry at her. I'm angry at Spain.

Our coach brings the training session to a close, and Alexia is instantly at my side.

"You were good today. Usually when something's up with Lottie we can tell, but you were good today," she tells me. "Have you two made up then?"

"No," I admit, "I'm not angry at her though. I'm angry that this is her only option in furthering her career."

"That's an understandable reaction, but you've got to explain that to her," Ale says.

"You're right."

"I know." With a joking flick of her hair she drops back to talk to Pina, while I walk ahead.

It's not long before Pina is beside me. "Mapiiiiiii"

"Yes?" I question, knowing that whatever it is probably won't be good.

"Can you help me with a prank?"

I'm instantly suspicious, "what's the prank?"


"Stop there. Do you really think pranking Alexia is a good idea?" I cut her off.

"Yes," she says with a sharp nod.

"Well then you obviously haven't thought this through," I tell her.

"I have," she says simply as if she hasn't thought of probably her stupidest idea yet.

"I don't want to be involved."

"Just hear me out," and she turns to me with puppy eyes.


Two hours later I'm sitting in Alexia's room as Pina's 'spy'. I'm still not entirely sure what her plan is, and as much as she's claimed to have thought it through, I haven't seen much evidence of that so far. She did somehow manage to get Ale's keycard for her room, so I suppose that's something. Ale and Salma's room is really tidy. Like, unbelievably tidy. Things are starting to look suspicious.

I know from the way she breathes, as she opens the door and walks into the room, that it's her. Lottie Aguila, standing opposite me, who's sat on Alexia's bed, leaving me feeling like an idiot for not realising that Ale and Pina are up to something.

"I'm not angry at you," I blurt out.

"You're certainly acting like it," she replies, while folding her arms, but I can tell she believes me. She wouldn't be here if she thought I was truly angry at her. Ale the miracle worker, must have told her something. I stand up, and walk over to Lots, and slowly wrap my arms around her, giving her the time to push me away if she doesn't want my arms around her. She lets me hold her though.

After a moment or two I let go of our hug, and take her hand to lead her to my own room.

"Since we're going to talk, let's do it somewhere we won't be in danger of eager ears eavesdropping," I explain.

"Okay," she nods, and we sit down on my bed.

"I just want to protect you," I tell her, "all I want is for you to be safe and happy. I'm sorry if I got angry at you. It wasn't right of me."

"I understand Mapi," she says, "but it's what's best for my career. I'm sorry that you don't feel comfortable with my going down this road, and I know making the decision not to play for Spain wasn't a light one for you. Making the decision to play for Spain isn't a light one for me."

"I also understand that, however I think that I may worry about you a little too much while you're playing for Spain," I admit.

She turns to look at me with a hand on my cheek. "Mapi. If I play for Spain, I'll call you every night and tell you if anything is wrong. I'll have amazing people looking after me, such as Alexia and Aitana. You don't need to worry, but I appreciate that you care for me."

I'm about to kiss her, when I hear the crash at the door, followed by a sharply whispered, "Pina!"

"Who's there?" I call out.

"No one!" Patri replies. I roll my eyes. It really is a struggle to get a moment of privacy with my team around, but I also suppose Lottie and I wouldn't be sitting talking to each other without my teammates.

"We'll continue this conversation later, but are we good?" I whisper to Lottie.

"We're good," she whispers back followed by a quick peck, before we aren't the only people in the room anymore.

Pina - who to be fair, this is her room as well, so she has full rights to be here - almost falls into the room, as Patri stands there laughing at her. Behind them is Ale, and maybe half the team. Since when were they all so invested in my love life?

"I hope you don't mind Mapi, but I invited people over to hangout," Pina explains. This makes more sense. They're here for the inevitable party. Although Pina says it can't be considered a party because there is no alcohol, I disagree with her. These "hangouts" of her's consist of loud music, terrible dance moves, and too many people in one space.

Pina connects her phone to a speaker, while Ale comes to sit next to Lots and I.

"So, you two are alright? I purposefully got you two into my room, because I knew Pina had plans for this party, but I guess you had different plans," she says.

"Yeah, I thought Pina would eavesdrop as she knew where we were, but she managed to do it anyway," I tell her.

"She didn't get much."

Lottie leans into me, and rests her head on my shoulder, as more people enter the room and the place starts to look even more like a party.

"What are you doing here anyway Ale?" I ask. Party's are not really her vibe, unless there's something to celebrate.

"Need to make sure they don't stay up too late. We've got a game tomorrow, and I don't want my players to be tired."

"So if I asked if I could leave to go to Lottie's hotel so we could have some quiet, the answer would probably be no?"

She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Obviously I'd say no, but I'm not your mother. I would suggest going to my room instead though."

"You're not anyone here's mother Alexia," I remind her, "these players are mostly responsible enough that they'll go to be at a good time for them."

"You're right," she admits, "but I still feel like it's my responsibility just to make sure."

"Yet again you're a brilliant captain."

I get up to leave, and Lottie follows. When we get to Ale's room I lie down on her bed, pulling Lottie down with me, and turn over to kiss her. We've got El Clasico tomorrow, my girlfriend's going to be there supporting me, and no matter what happens with the national team I know there are so many people I can rely on to make sure Lottie is okay. Everything will be alright, and at the moment there's no need to worry about the future. I've got Lottie with me, and as we don't get to see each other all the time, I'm going to enjoy the time I have with her.

(Another job well done from my girl @does1tmatt3r whose finally found the reasonable amount of time it takes to write a chapter. (xo, you know I love you really) Gonna be absolutely centuries until i get my next chapter out because I am *Almost* almost on Christmas break. Love ya <3)

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