Chapter 25 - Comments

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Warning: Very homophobic. It actually pained me to write this. Also bestie Kailen energy incoming bc she's so bae.

Always knew you were gonna end up like them, you faggot.

The words are printed across the forefront of my mind, even through such an important meeting like this one. Casey is speaking to my agent, my agent is speaking to other clubs and the other clubs are squabbling over the computer screen. Somewhere in the distance, I hear my name called out to me but my brain replaces the noises with silence instead.

God can there not be one fit one who isn't gay? Ridiculous.

A contract is shoved into my face, Casey explaining why I'm stuck here for another season. She's angry. So angry. And my agent is trying desperately to defuse the situation but the angry babbling in various languages is not helping him at all. I'm watching the white paper float around, the words all swimming across the page in that stupid, scrawny font.

Ana-Maria is always going to be Mapi's soul mate, no gay-girl wannabe is going to change that.

Anger bubbles away under my skin, an itch to yell out making itself well known. Casey is positively seething and my agent has given up, rubbing his brow with 2 of his fingers. He's chanting ‘shut up shut up shut up shut up.’ under his breath and even the foreign teams have shut their mouths. My eyes have flickered shut and clamped down as if not seeing her would magic her away.

Just for once I want women's football to be about the sport and not supporting the lesbos. You had to ruin that. Gayton Moore.

I'm seeing red, and I can't control it. The tears spill over and my lip begins to quiver. “SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I have given my all to this club and the development of its players. The least you could do is help me move on. I scored big important goals for you. I won big important matches for you and the way you repay me is by spitting in my face and repeating the same thing over and over like a broken toy.” I get to my feet harshly, pushing the chair out from beneath me. I smirk as it clatters to the floor, the force too powerful to keep it on its feet. Her jaw has dropped open and some of the foreign executives have logged off the call. “You're a shitty manager, Casey. Eat ass.” I finish before marching out of the room.

Mapi, she's clearly using you. Go back to Ana-Maria.

I make my way to the locker room, sighing in relief as I'm met with nothing but silence, all except the vibrations my phone is giving off. I mute it.

God just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, this monstrosity is released.

My head is spinning and my eyes are watering. I can't see straight but I don't care, choosing instead to let everything happen around me.

You clearly haven't been fucked by the right man yet.

Everything hurts. Everything aches. Everything cries out in pain. I cry out in pain.

Oh fuckk offfff. This relationship sucks.

I want to be alone. I want to be held. I want to be slapped. I want to be warm.

The clubs need to start offering conversion therapy.

I want quiet. I want it all to shut up.


I want Mapi.

Just break up already.

A single tear rolls down my cheek, a reminder that this is all real. I try to keep all my emotions locked inside, my previous outburst already putting my options at risk. I try, but I fail. I fail to stop my shoulders from shaking and my body from trembling. I fail to stop the stream of salty water from trailing down my cheeks. I fail to stop the ugly sobbing from beating at my chest.

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