Chapter 32

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A/n: Another big thanks to @does1tmatt3r for constantly having my back when I need her. Your an absolute lifesaver and I will keep reminding you of that!

I've decided to go back to my parents house while Lottie is in Denmark. Obviously I could have gone to watch the game, but we both agreed it may not be the best idea. Lottie needs space to fit into the team and get to know people without me, and I would just spend the entire time worrying about her and panicking. I haven't seen my parents since Amalia's wedding, which means I haven't seen them since Lottie and I came out publicly about our relationship.

To my relief, they don't bring up Lottie straight away. First they let me talk about how football has been going over dinner, and then when I think they're going to get around to questions about my personal life my dad instead challenges me to a game of chess. Now, I'm not the best chess player, but I know the rules at least. My dad goes easy on me, and still beats me by a landslide. My mum makes a cup of tea for us to share on the porch, before heading to bed as the sun begins to set.

It is still far too early for me to be sleeping, so I go up to my childhood room and call my girlfriend.

"Hola," she picks up the first ring.

"Hola?" I reply, "how's the ✨spanish✨ going?"

She laughs. "I've found myself a teacher who doesn't make fun of me, but it still isn't very good if I'm being honest."

"A new teacher? You've replaced me? But I am perfect," I say, and I can practically hear her rolling her eyes. "Who is this new teacher of yours?"

"Tana," she says, and I'm surprised by the way it takes me a second to realise who she's talking about.

"Aitana? You've already got a nickname for her?" I question in response.

"I'm not the only person who calls her that, and yeah we've made an exchange. I'm helping her with her English at the same time," Lots explains.

"I'm glad you've got a friend," I tell her.

"Me too. Ale told me I had to make a friend that wasn't her. Anyway, I've got to go now. Vilda's called a team meeting," she explains. "Love you Mapi."

"Love you too Lots."

I only just manage to get out my response before she hangs up on me. I can feel the worry seeping into me, but I know Alexia would call if there was anything wrong. Now I know Aitana would probably call as well. It takes me a couple of hours, but eventually I do sleep.

The next day I wander into town, through the old park I used to play in as a kid, past the school I attend, the shops I looked at books and clothes in, until I eventually get to the pharmacy. It looks pretty rundown on the outside, but inside it functions completely fine. I pick up a script for my mum, before walking back through town, and to the park. It's always strange coming back to a place you left behind. Everytime I leave I think I may not ever see the place again, but here I am. Imagine telling teenage me where I am in my life at the moment. They thought nothing of this park. Now I think of it as the place my career began.

It's lunchtime by the time I make it home. The game isn't on until 5pm. I still have a few more hours to wait. Mum and Dad are both in the kitchen making something, and when I go to find out what it is, they shoo me away saying it isn't ready yet. So I go to my room and try to take my mind off Lottie. It doesn't work. I think about what I'd be doing at the moment if I was her. I think about how everyone would be so focused on the game ahead of them, but every so often we'd smile at each other, or say something that would end with us concealing laughter. I suddenly start to feel like I'm missing out.

Of course I'm missing out on a lot of things. Career opportunities, the chance to improve my abilities, getting to learn through playing some of the best - these are all things I anticipated. I did not anticipate missing actual camp so much. I mean a lot of the experiences I had in Spain camp made me want to quit, but knowing a lot of my friends are playing football together without me, sorta sucks.

Lunch is amazing, as my parent's cooking always is, and then the afternoon drags by ever so slowly. When it's finally time to watch the game, I'm practically bouncing in my chair.

"Mapi, it's like we have a 5 year old child again," my dad laughs, "sit still for one second please."

I try to do so, but as the game continues I become more active. Lottie isn't playing yet. Who knows if she'll play today, but friendlies are generally a good opportunity to test how newer members of the team work with others.

Ona scores in the 7th minute, giving Spain an early lead. I start to relax a little more after this. By the time half time rolls around, I'm finally fully calm. Of course the 20 minutes of halftime is another unbearable wait for me. Another goal to Spain in the 53rd from young Paralluelo. Even with the 2 goal lead, Spain is still playing to their best ability, but it gives them a chance to sub out a few of the older players. With the World Cup just around the corner, they don't want to risk injuries.. 58th minute - Putellas off, González on. 59th minutes - Carmona off, Caldentey off, with two younger players replacing them. Then in the 73rd minute Paralluelo comes off, and Carlota Aguila goes on.

I can see the smile on her face as she proudly wears the Spain kit. She runs quickly into places, merging into the game like she's been there the entire time. I watch her every move. She fits in so well with the style of play this team has. I know she's hoping to impress, and she definitely does. As the game continues she is an asset to the teams attacking attempts, and plays to the best of her ability. The game comes to a conclusion with no further goals scored, but a win for Spain all the same. I'm happy for Lottie, and I'm happy for the team.

I lean back into my chair, and let out my breath that I didn't realise I was holding.

"I've never seen you that invested in a football game," my mum comments, "and you get very invested in football games."

"Well, it's Lottie's first game with the team," I explain.

"I know. I love to see how much you care for her. Now, do you want to help me make dinner?" she asks.

"Of course," I reply, before following my mum to the kitchen for what I'm sure will become a cooking lesson.

Maybe next time I'm visiting my parents, Lottie will be with me too. My mum could give her a cooking lesson as well, seeing as she wants to know so much about Spanish culture now. I'm sure my mum would love that, and to be honest, so would I.

A/N: Let's just pretend an international friendly would be broadcast. Thank you so much for reading this. Hopefully this is enough to satisfy you all for now. Give Izzy time to write her next chapter, and let her know how much you appreciate her writing when she posts it. <3

--> Awhhh ily<3 

(Again, thank you, Em, for being there for me. I love you!! And thank you to all those who reads this book and for making it worth the time and effort we put into this. Love ya<3)

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