Chapter 31 - Worrybug

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I want to start this off by saying that it wasnt me who wrote this chapter, even though i was supposed to. I have been struggling quite a lot recently with stress and other commitments so the incredible does1tmatt3r wrote this immediately upon me asking. Thank you so much, Em. Love you <3

"And you have to promise me that you call everyday." She pauses and places another kiss on my lips. "And you have to promise that you tell me if he does anything particularly wrong." I'm laying in her arms, her hand stroking at my cheek as she presses kisses into my hand after every sentence. Her eyes haven't left mine the entire time. "And I need you to know how much I love you, and care for you. And how many people I would hurt to have you safe. And how many people I would murder to have you safe in my arms. And how much jail time I am willing to receive in order for you to be protected in my bubble of security."

I roll my eyes at her, but she knows how thankful I am for her being here, but she's being far too dramatic. This isn't the world cup. We don't leave for that for a week. This is just an international friendly in preparation for it. It also happens to be my first Spain camp, and the first time I've seen Mapi since Barça played Real Madrid.

Unsurprisingly Barcelona had won that game, and I had celebrated with the team before heading back to the US. It wasn't long until our club teams either took a break in my case (although I don't plan on going back after the international break), or finished for the season in Mapi's case. So here we are, in a hotel in Madrid, me putting off having to leave her and join the Spanish team. I'm supposed to be there in an hour.

"Alright Mapi. I've really got to go. Alexia's just texted. She's here," I say, as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and know it has to be her. Sure enough as I sit up, and grab my phone out of my pocket, her name appears on my screen. I send her a quick text telling her I'll be down in a second. During that time Mapi's picked up my suitcase and it carrying it for me. I'm fully capable of carrying my own suitcase down to the lobby of the hotel, but I know she's in a very overprotective mood at the moment. She is going to do absolutely everything she can in the next two minutes until I leave her, to show me how much she loves me.

It turns out a two minute elevator ride can in fact take ten if María León is around. Dragging her feet down the corridor, distracting me by holding my hand as we wait for the lift which quickly escalates into more causing us to miss the first one, and "accidentally" pressing all the buttons of the floors below us - she pulls out all the tricks she can thinks of, but is still almost in tears as she hugs me for the last time.

"I love you so much I can't describe it in words," she says as she holds me.

"I feel exactly the same way about you," I reply, before another quick kiss.

Alexia opens the car boot for me to put my case in, and then I get into the car. It takes a second for Alexia to get back in, presumably she's had to comfort Mapi, and then finally we are off.

"How's she been this morning?" Alexia asks.

"She'll be okay. It was always going to be hard for her," I reply. Alexia gives me a smile.

"Yeah. I suppose you're right. Anyway, we haven't properly got to know each other yet, Carlota. Anything I need to know about you before we make it to camp?" She quickly changes the conversations.

"Call me Lottie," I reply, "what do you want to know, Alexia?"

"Call me Ale. And I don't know. You're my best friend's girlfriend. I want to get to know you more. Oooo, oh, yes, this is good - do you have any stories about Mapi when she was younger?"

"I have plenty. Where should I begin?" I say, the last question directed at myself.

Not much later, we're pulling into camp. We're not going to be here very long before we're on the bus to the airport to head to Denmark for our friendly match. As the team starts to gather in one of the main buildings, Alexia pulls me to the side.

"On the bus, I want you to sit next to one of the Barça players. Not me. I want you to get to know everyone on the team, and fit in well," she explains.

"Yeah okay," I agree, "I suppose Mapi will also find it easier if she knows I've got good friends on the team."

She smiles at me. "Now, Mapi's my best friend, so you know I want the best for her, but don't make all your decisions here based on if it'll make Mapi happy. You've got to be happy on this team too. You're your own person Carlota, and you deserve to be able to make your own decisions."

Just before we start to make our way to the bus Jorge Vilda talks to us. I've been brushing up on my Spanish, trying to remember everything I learnt when I was a child, but it really hasn't been working. I've been getting Mapi to speak purely Spanish to me, very slowly and using the most simple words she can to get her message across, and it still hasn't been working. I accidentally told her I was washing my horse the other day instead of my hair, and keep making silly little mistakes like this. Mapi has been having a field day making fun of my language skills.

I think I understand about 60% of what Jorge Vilda and the other coaching staff tell us. I run to catch up with Aitana, knowing that her English is probably about as good as my Spanish, so we'll both benefit from having a conversation with one another.

"Hola Aitana," I say as I slide my backpack over my shoulder, it previously having been hanging only from one.

"Lottie!" she says, as she turns to me, "me alegro de verte de nuevo."

"It's nice to see you again too," I reply, before asking, "mi español es malo. Can you explain to me what Vilda said?"

"Okay. But you speak to me in Spanish as much as you can. I then speak to you in English. You help me when I don't know, and I help you," she says.

"Okay. I was hoping you'd say that,"

She shakes her head at me, "uh-uh. Español por favor."

"Esperaba que dijera que?" I make an attempt to translate it into Spanish.

"DijeraS," she corrects me, "otherwise you not talking about me."

"Otherwise you ARE not," I correct her, and we both laugh.

We spend the bus ride to the airport, and the plane trip to Gladsaxe, helping each other with our language skills. So far Spain camp hasn't been bad. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what comes next.

(Thanks for reading this chapter, and thanks again to Em for this incredible piece. I don't know how long till the next chapter, so sit tight and bare with us. Love ya<3)

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