Chapter 13 - Leaving Soon

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"Mapi! You're here." I cheer, spotting the bleached blonde whip around searching for something. Her face lights up upon seeing me, and she starts taking big long steps towards my open arms. "God, that ceremony was so boring." I groan, now held within the warmth of her arms. She stifles a laugh against my shoulder, and I grin, the sounds harmonic to me.

"My brother would not shut up about how it should be him marrying your sister." She rolls her arms, and I giggle a little.

"At least then we would be sisters for real." I shrug, squeezing her bicep one last time while I pull away from the hug. I expect to see her smile as well, but she's frowning, and her eyebrows are furrowed. "Can't you remember? That's what you always told me?"
Mapi's quiet, her cheeks flushing a burning red.
"I don't think I want to be your sister anymore, Lottie." She says, no longer meeting my eyes.

I try to ignore the pang of hurt in my chest, instead focusing my attention on salvaging the awkward situation. "Oh. Okay. Fair enough, you're a bit older than you were." I ruffle her hair, and her face flickers a smile but returns straight to a frown.

"No, Lottie. I don't think you understand." Mapi prompts, gripping onto my wrist and pulling me away from the crowded room. It's quieter and darker now, the only light coming from a small window where the sun sets outside. "It's just.. dios mio. This is so hard." She rubs her fingers against the bridge of her nose and massages her temple.

"You're not making any sense, Maps."

"Yeah. You're right. Now's not the time. Later. Want a drink?" She stumbles out, her sentences short and rushed. It's my turn to frown, and I try to catch her wrist as she turns away to get us both drinks.

"Oh." I say, only to myself. I try to collect my thoughts and feelings before following her out of the small room. Watching on, I just can't help but smile at my sister as she dances with her new husband. I'm proud. I tell myself, but I can't help the underlying feeling of jealousy and worthlessness digging at my guts. She spots me and waves, pulling herself out from her husband and into me, grabbing my hands and shaking me about.

"Lighten up, Lots. This is my wedding day, after all." She grins, dancing around with me still. I succumbed to her control for a while, only finding an escape when I spot Mapi, once again, looking confused at where she was and clearly looking for me.

"Sorry, Lia. Got something on my mind." I give her an apologetic smile and pull away from her, heading back over to the girl who somehow managed to make me fall in love with her. Under the disco lights, her skin glows, and her eyes glimmer. The once-brown of her pupils had disappeared through the darkness of the room and the squinting of her eyes to spot me.

And then she sees me, and her eyes light up. Slowly, Mapi navigates her way around the half-tipsy guests of my sister's wedding, heading straight to me.
"So I got you a G+T 'cause that's what you had the other day, right?" I nod my head and take it, ignoring the way our hands brush together to avoid an embarrassingly red blush.

"Thanks, Mapi." She gives me a small smile, and I take a sip. We go quiet for a bit, the outer world becoming more of a blur as I focus on her humming and tapping foot and wandering eyes.

Eyes that are very clearly blazing up and down my form, and I don't fail to pick up on the fact they stick to my curves a little too long to be friendly admiration. "C-can we dance?" She asks once I'd placed my drink down on one of the tables. I frown as she flinches when I take her hand.

"Are you sure you're alright, Mapi? You're really jumpy." I reason. But she just nods and allows me to let go of her hand and move it to her hip instead. Her arms move to wrap around my shoulders comfortably, our movements limited to sways within the small hall. Mapis fingers interlace with the dregs of my hair that are elft behind from the bun, twirling it between her nails.

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