Chapter 33 - Carlota to Peyton to Lottie Again

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A/n: Check me out! I actually did it and I wrote it without any help!! (that's a lie. i did have help.)

Id never been this nervous to walk onto a pitch before. No league game, no cup game, no world cup game has rattled my insides as much as this. Stood on the side-lines felt more of a heart raiser than any warm up I'd completed. I was trying to remind myself why I was doing this. Why i was forcing myself into a position I'm not entirely comfortable.

But then I remind myself who I play for.

Ultimately, it's my family and friends. But then there's Mapi, who I know will be watching at home with her parents. And there's my sister, whose still off gallivanting on her honeymoon. I know she'll be watching too, no doubt forcing her husband to take a break to watch this game. There's my parents, who have always been so proud of my determination and decision making; they almost got tickets to this game to fly out and support me.

But truly, I play for myself. I play for the pride of wearing whichever badge it may be. I play for the burst of adrenaline and the rush of winning.

This game isn't about any of that, though. This is about rebuilding my career one goal at a time. It's about finally admitting who I am, where I'm from. I'm Carlota Aguila. I'm Spanish. And I'm not Peyton Moore.

Peyton Moore was a muse to fool myself. To change Carlota into someone she liked more. Peyton Moore was the cute girl with the ponytail.

Carlota is the girl who takes all the disadvantages and turns them into determination. She's the grit, the dust, the blood behind all of Peyton's successes. And it's been too long since I reminded myself that.

It was cold in Denmark, as I waited to debut for Spain. I was watching the 4th ref carefully as she flicked the numbers on and off the little light up board. 18 off, 14 on. Ale met my eye as Salma ran to the side, clapping to the travelling fans who had made the effort to get here. I turned around, not expecting Alexia to come running into my back, pulling me into a comforting hug as she whispered a hushed sentence in Spanish. "hoy se trata de ti. no te preocupes por maria." (Today is about you. Don't worry about Maria.)

I frown at her, unable to form a response with my limited Spanish, and the fact that I only understood certain words. But she nudged me onto the pitch to join the rest of the team. The crowd is louder than I expected, the support for me rife. I look at the crowd, then the badge on my chest and I can't help but smile. This is for my family, my friends, and my girlfriend. This is about accepting who I truly am. This is for Peyton Moore. This is for Carlota Aguila. This is for me.

My first foot on the pitch was exhilarating and by far one of my proudest moments, few others making my heart swell as much as that. It all went too quickly, it seemed only seconds until the final whistle blew and I was being shipped back off to the hotel. Ultimately, though, a flood of relief filled my body. It was over and people wanted me there. There weren't little girls and joys with my name on their shirts, but why would there be? I haven't ever played for this team, they don't know who Carlota is. Yet

I've realised that people are going to put the pieces together. I can't hide what I look like, so it won't be long till they all realise it and i have to face the past. It's quite daunting, really, I haven't really thought about how to explain why I'd been hiding behind a false person for my entire career or if there even is a reasonable excuse. But people are going to expect answers and I'm going to have to give them, even if Mapi says it's none of their business.

I called her the minute I made it back to the hotel room, slumping on the end as the weight of the game and my emotions sat heavily on my shoulders. The time difference was alright so I knew she would answer, and even if it was terrible she would wait up for my call. Her voice warmed my heart, excited Spanish flooding the speakers as she speaks at alarming rates.

¡Dios, te veías perfecto! ¡Jugaste perfectamente! Mi estrella, estoy muy orgulloso de ti. Eres tan valiente y... ¡y no puedo creer que lo hayas hecho! Solo espera hasta que llegue a ti. ¡Te voy a dar el abrazo de celebración más masivo! (God, you looked perfect! you played perfectly! My star, I'm so proud of you. You're so brave and... and I can't believe you did it! Just wait until I get to you, I'm going to give you the most massive celebratory hug!)

I laugh, trying to translate at least half of what she said but struggling to concentrate when she comically gasps for air.

"Woah! Slow your horses, baby. Tana isn't that good of a teacher!" I say, receiving a glare from Aitana, who has flopped on the bed next to mine. Mapi sighs teasingly, but finds her breath and speaks again.

"Baby! I am so proud of you! You played like a superstar and I cannot wait till you get back." The thought of being back in her arms brings a fluttery feeling to my stomach and a smile begins to grow across my face.

"I think you're being just a tiny bit extravagant, love. I barely played for 20 minutes and I didn't really do much for the game."

Mapi tuts. "ah ah ah! What did I say about talking back to me mi amor? I am always right!" She says smugly and I roll my eyes. "I was thinking about you today, when I was cooking with my mamá."

"Oh yeah? Thinking about what?"

There's a stagnant pause on her side of the call and it makes me frown. I look to my left to see Aitana raising her eyebrows at me, and I shrug. Patiently, I keep my mouth shut and let her find the courage to say what she wants in a way she doesn't feel pressured.

"Just you. And.. I'm not sure. My parents always look so happy together and I thought about me and you being that old and being that happy together.. Sorry that's stupid. I don't really know what I was going with."

She says that but I know what she was aiming for, and I couldn't agree with her more. Every moment spent with her is a promise of another. It's comfortable and warm and nowhere else quite like it and you can't quite place the feeling, or put it into words. It's just a need.

"Maria Leon, I am utterly infatuated with you and I need you by my side until my last waking moments." I confirm, and she sighs in release.

"Carlota Aguila I am utterly infatuated with you too."

And we both burst out laughing.

(I'm so unnecessarily proud of myself for writing this like yaaayy! it only took a month.. ALSO I'm going to see another game tomorrow so hopefully we get a burst of inspiration! Love ya<3) 

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