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'The fuck?!' Y/N spat as soon as she heard Yoongi cursing.

She looked at one of the goods, went there, took the knife which they had and cut the parcel. Surely there were white powders.

Y/N smelled it and cursed again.

'Fuck! This is highly prohibited in Korea! How did this come here? Wait.....Panthera Leo....' Y/N suddenly stopped as she rushed towards the computer.

Yoongi was shocked to see how she recognized the drugs and started to doubt her identity.

Y/N scrolled and scrolled for a minute until they both saw something on the screen.

♌️ Panthera Leo

The name was engraved on a slide and a lot of people's bio data was attached right after that.

Y/N laughed.

'Fuck! Can't believe I actually stumbled on another impossible mission.'

Y/N then snapped her fingers and neck and got ready to work on the computer.

'What are you doing? We should leave! Call the police or text them!' Yoongi shouted.

'Wait....' Y/N sighed.

The case she stumbled upon was actually assigned to another team that had been working on it for the past 6 months. Y/N knew the case. It is important to hack their system and find out about the locations and unlock the slides to find out those men's biodata. But Yoongi's safety was also her job.

She sighed.


Yoongi thought that Y/N probably has sighed more than 100 times today.

Y/N quickly turned on the other computer. There were two computers. Probably to hide their location, they tried to maintain everything from these computers.

'Connect the internet and look for emergency services. No directly go to 007 website.' Y/N said.

'007?' Yoongi was confused.

This was the first time he had heard about such an emergency helpline number//website.

He still did what she told him. In the meantime, he also looked at her computer with the corner of his eyes.

He was too confused.

He saw Y/N typing something and then installing something. He was pissed off. But suddenly he saw a black screen with only green color letters appearing, syncing with Y/N's typing.

He froze and saw her typing too fast. He knew it was a code but he didn't understand a single thing.

He focused on the 007 website. The internet was restored. When he went to Chrome, he searched the 007 website.

Meanwhile, Y/N got up and took a pen drive which was lying on the meeting table.

'Let them stay there until they starve to death. They did a good thing by locking themselves there. We don't have to chase people.'

They heard voices outside.

'Good.' Y/N muttered.

'There is only one word written over here [[[[[[[Code]]]]]]]' Yoongi suddenly said grabbing Y/N's attention.

Y/N quickly tapped the enter button as a processing bar popped up |Processing 1% out of 100%|

'Let me see.' Y/N said calmly as she pushed her moving chair towards Yoongi.

With a light thud, both of their chairs bumped. Y/N leaned towards Yoongi a little making Yoongi look at her bewildered.

'Too close.' He thought.

Y/N quickly entered the code//password.

But before she could click the enter button, she paused.

'Let's hurry up. Do you want to go home as soon as possible?' Y/N asked.

'Is that even a question for you to ask?' Yoongi huffed.

'Never mind.' Y/N shrugged off.

She forgot that Yoongi was Yoongi, not Taemu.

She entered a different password and soon the blank screen was filled with green and red coloured screen.

A Dragon logo flashed making Yoongi think about the other day when he saw Y/N and Taemu in disguise..

'Welcome to XXX-' Before the automatic robot could say anything, they saw an incoming call along with 100s of calls and notifications.

Y/N answered the call and turned the volume to medium.


'Can you let me speak?' Y/N said in a cold yet calm voice.


'Yoongi and I were kidnapped right after you left. Call Chief Security Officer Cha Hyunjin. Let him know about Mr.Min's whereabouts.'

'How the fuck you know my company's chief security officer?!?! Did you stalked this about?! Are you in some gang?!?!' Yoongi shouted.

'......Boss....is.....that.....Min Yoongi right now?'


'Shit! Did you just talk to me on our website in front of him?!'


'How?! Then why the hell is he saying about you being in a gang? Is he that dumb?!'


Yoongi lost his temper completely when he heard Y/N saying yes again and again as well as tarnishing his dignity.

But before he could ask anything, Y/N already started talking.

'Taemu you remember about the drug issue not being passed for the past six months?'

'....Boss, you are kidnapped. Why are you talking about work-'

'Just answer.'


'Apparently, I have found their information. I uploaded the information to a pen drive and flew away with Mr.Min. I will also try to send it to you.'

'Damn, you are the best!'

'The drugs will be set off to North Korea, Russia and Italy.'

'North Korea?! From here?! Are they insane!'

'Then I will log out now. Send at least 4 teams for Mr.Min's security-'


Y/N stopped as she and Yoongi turned around to see the door being opened from outside.

She quickly logged out, took the pen drive, and said,

'We have to leave this place. It is still dark outside so we have to find a torch light or mobile phone.'

'I have seen three torch lights on a drawer.' Yoongi said.

Yoongi tried to set aside the matter of her knowing Hyunjin and took out the torches.

'Great. Take one and take the knife. I will take the two torches.'

Yoongi nodded.

Y/N recalled the exit doors and then they decided to escape through the exit South.

They quickly hid behind the door and when the door was opened, they heard their voices.

'They can't stay here. I forgot that it is a meeting room. We have to use it tomorrow. Let's capture them and throw them to another room.'

Y/N smacked one of the man's head and took Yoongi's hand as they ran straight towards the South exit which they saw in the outer layout//map.

'Let's just escape safely...' Yoongi only had one thought.


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