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'Wait, is that a freaking helicopter?!' Yoongi suddenly shouted.

They were talking for almost 10 minutes when Yoongi noticed the helicopter.

Even though the club is in a quiet area, because of the loud music, the helicopter sound wasn't that loud.

Y/N looked at the helicopter where a big dragon logo could be seen from afar.

'Mujin.' Y/N muttered.

'One of your colleagues?' Yoongi asked.

'My boss. I mean he was the first hacker in our company. So he is my senior.'

'What number are you in?'

'34th (3+4=7~).'

Y/N took the towel and whipped her face as she was sweaty since they didn't turn on anything for the cub staff to be suspicious as they hadn't reserved any room.

Yoongi who was observing her suddenly noticed something.

He quickly stood up from the couch and rushed towards Y/N who was startled.


'You!' Y/N gasped as she felt him taking the towel and pressing it in her lower face.

'You! You are the same person I met in the elevator right?!. The dragon logo! It's the same as yours and that boy's jacket! That boy...Is he that Taemu guy?' Yoongi asked.

'So sharp yet you couldn't identify that I wasn't a Sasaeng back then?' Y/N was nervous because of the distance as she pushed him away.

'Yes...' She cleared her throat and answered.

Both of them proceeded to walk outside as the helicopter had already gained a lot of attention and there was a commotion happening outside.

'That's why her voice was familiar. That means the couple we thought was actually she and that Taemu guy?' Yoongi was pissed off for some reason.

Already hating Taemu in his heart, he then recalled the other guy named Mujin. He didn't know how close Y/N and Mujin were.

Are they much closer than Y/N and Taemu are? If that is the case then he has no reason to be pissed off by Taemu and will set hate towards Mujin.

Thinking this he nodded to himself proudly not knowing how childish his reasoning was for the person whom he didn't like.

Or maybe he did?

'We will go to the top floor as the helipad is on the rooftop.' Y/N said.

Yoongi was astonished when he heard this.

'What? Many rich gangsters come to this club by helicopter. So it's normal.' Y/N shrugged off.
The commercial that was going outside was surely because of the helicopter.

The staff and manager first looked at their booking records. When they found that there was no schedule for today or this time in this entire week, they were suspicious.

Soon enough one of them indicated towards the logo and all of them felt scared.

The Dragon logo is one thing but the cop's logo right beside the dragon logo made them think that this is an undercover cop's helicopter.

The real reason is this helicopter is dedicated to a certain team of hackers who work with the undercover agents of cops to find criminals.

Soon the guests started to leave in a hurry, many were injured in the process. The security and staff who knew the fight and could use guns and knives started to get ready for the fight.

In the process of going towards the rooftop, Y/N and Yoongi met several enemies. After knocking many of them down, Y/N gave a good quality knife to Yoongi.

She took the gun for herself and moved upstairs.

'If you want to live or reduce your punishments then I suggest you stop right there. We are only here for two reasons and mean no harm to this club unless we have a search warranty.'

Yoongi heard a deep voice coming from a speaker from the rooftop but Y/N knew very well about who was speaking.

It was Mujin.

They were only one floor away from the door of the rooftop when Y/N's hair was suddenly pulled out from behind harshly.

'Aack!!' She was shocked because of the sudden interference as she stumbled and slipped on some stairs and fell hard on the ground.

'Y/N!' Yoongi who was one step ahead of her at that time was also shocked as he angrily attacked the attacker and pushed the knife in his hand on the attacker's left arm which he used to grab Y/N's hair.

'You motherfucker!' Yoongi cursed and kicked that attacker.

Because the attacker was observing Y/N and Yoongi for a few minutes, he knew that Y/N was the fighter so he didn't think about the boy next to her that much only to be harmed by the same boy.


Y/N who saw another person rushing upstairs, quickly put her legs on his way as he tripped over.

She attacked his neck using her elbow and knocked him out with one strike.

'Move forward!' Y/N ordered Yoongi who tried to help her.

'I am fine and you know how capable I am! Go to the rooftop right now!' Yoongi hesitated but he still helped her to stand up and then rushed forward.

Y/N stood there and fought with the newcomers.
As soon as Yoongi opened the door, the harsh air made him stumble as the sound of the helicopter was too clear now.

He saw many men with guns. Half of them were wearing dragon logo jackets and half of them were wearing police logo jackets.

He also saw two other helicopters still in the sky but closer to the rooftop. There were ropes on each of them as people started to come to the rooftop with the help of it.

Since it was already past midnight, it was dark.

'Wait! Confirm your identity!' He heard from the speaker as everyone pointed their guns towards him.

He felt a limp in his throat when he saw them pointing guns towards him. He knew they were here for him and if he spoke, they wouldn't point their guns.

But he was scared for a second and when he was about to speak that "I am Min Yoongi", he heard a voice behind him.

'He is Min Yoongi you motherfucker!! Why the fuck you haven't turned on the extra lights of the helicopters?!'

Y/N who cursed suddenly threw the knife in her hand right in front of the speaker who ordered Yoongi to speak.

Yoongi who knew Y/N's ability was still amused to see her accuracy of the throwing knife.

'Heads down! The priorities are being found and unharmed.' Mujin spoke from the speaker and 3/4 of the people started to walk towards the door to go downstairs.

Y/N who sensed a presence behind her suddenly pushed Yoongi hard as she turned over.

But she was late as a knife was pierced right on her stomach.

She groaned and quickly shot the man with her gun.

5 men came forward and took Yoongi towards the helicopter quickly.

Yoongi was traumatized when he saw Y/N's bloody dress and couldn't think of anything. He came back to his senses when he was inside the helicopter.

He saw the speaker holder person rush towards Y/N and shoot a few men before taking her in his arms.

Yoongi felt that the man was highly likely to be Mujin but he still wasn't sure.

Right when he thought that the guy would bring the injured Y/N towards his helicopter, he saw the other helicopter lowering down more as the guys and another guy from the helicopter helped Y/N to go inside as the speaker holder also went inside the helicopter.

He felt anxious and wanted to see Y/N. To see if she was okay or not.


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