-2- Failed Interrogation

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Irina- Well, mister 'I'll protect my girlfriend at all costs' if you could be oh so kind to be, in fact, a little bit kinder. I would highly appreciate it considering I'm not insulting your sweet and gorgeous girlfriend. Thank you!

Dunn- I'm sorry, what?

'Nice reaction, I like it, 10/10. Perhaps it could have been even better if I referred to her as a wife and not girlfriend.'

'O well. There's always a next time.'

Daly- Haha! Oh, she's hilarious, I like her!

'Dunn looks pained inside, he's speechless. Madam Daly looks happy instead! I really can't help but smile at them. Those two deserve a happy ending together.
This story is far too cruel.'

Irina- Don't look at me with that deer in headlight expression. With the way you were defending her, it's obvious you two are a couple.

Dunn- I didn't- She's not- We are just partners, nothing else'

Irina- Wrong! You wouldn't feel so attacked if she wasn't someone special to you. And also, why are you panicking? There shouldn't be a reason for that if you were just partners.

Dunn- Madam Daly, Miss Irina. Please, we were discussing something important.

'I have to somehow make him treat me better, I can't have him talking to me as some sort of criminal! I want to work with him, not against him! The 'girlfriend' blow was a bit low, but I can always make that come true!'

Daly- She is right though. You are being much colder than usual.

Dunn- 'I wonder why...'

'Did I just hear him correctly? Why can't he whisper lowder...'

Daly- What did you say?

-The previous night-

Mere moments later, the single conscious nighthawks left hits the girl on the back of her head with a frying pan.
She promptly follows Leonard on the ground in a similar manner.

After checking that the girl was officially out.

He walks towards Leonard yet before being able to reach him he hears a grunt from Leonard.

Leonard- Ugh... my head... did someone hit me or something? Or rather, did someone hit the both of us? By the way, are you not even offering me a hand? How cruel you are captain...

Dunn feels a wave of relief crashing on him over his partner's usual banter.

Dunn- It's good that you're still you.

The newly awakened Nighthaws looks at the other with a confused expression.

Leonard- What do you mean by that?

Dunn- What's the last thing you remember?

While saying those words, the poet tries to stand up slowly.

Leonard- Hm... oh wait, I touched that mirror, didn't I? And... uh... I... hugged... her...?

'He looks just as confused as his voice, what does that pocket mirror do exactly?'

Dunn- Correct, something else? Some specific thing that happened? Did you hear something?

'Well, other than that grandpa warning me far too late nothing... but I most definitely cannot tell him that.'

Alexandria's Keeper ~ Lord Of The Mysteries FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz