-18- Honorific Name

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The next day Irina woke up later than usual. After watching the sun's rays warm her room, the first thing out of her mouth was- Shit! I'm late.

'Klein had a dream that night, revealing where the Notebook was. Or, at least, was supposed to be.'

She rushed to put on some decent clothes and ran out of her door. She took the first carriage in sight and arrived at the Security Company not long after. She chatted with the Nighwaks about the mission they had that morning and also about their findings.

'I already know the gits of it, but getting professional reports is always useful. As of now, Ray Bieber should be the one in its possession.'

Sunday, after lunch, Irina met Dunn Smith in the hallway, he looked like he wanted to enter his office but Irina stopped him before he could- Hey Cap~ I was just about to knock on your office door.

'Lie. I want to be part of the chat between you and Klein.'

Dunn turned to face her and questioned- How can I help you?

Irina shifted her weight from one foot to the other- Well, you see... I was curious about that Notebook. Have you found its location?

Dunn sighed- It's dangerous and-

Irina pouted loudly- Oh, come on! You know you'll give it to me later anyway. I want to stay informed, and, possibly, be there when you find it.

Dunn remained silent for a while before replying- Fine, come inside I'll update both you and Klein


Both Nighthawks turned towards Klein as he left the staff room. The Seer, eying the captain, asked with concern- Captain, any updates?

Dunn then went on to explain how Rye Bieber should have the Antigonus Notebook and how he asked the Backlund diocese to send Sealed Artifact 2-049 here to help find it.

Klein tapped four spots on his chest, forming the sign of the full moon- May Goddess bless us.

Dunn pushed open the door to his office and said with a slight nod- The Goddess has always been protecting us. Klein, if you had not chosen Seer, you would be a formal member after this matter is verified. You could have chosen Sleepless, but pity... To be frank, I'm still puzzled over your choice. Although Corpse Collector is quite off-putting, you have seen Daly as well. You should know that Spirit Mediums vary in strength. As for Mystery Pryers, they're a good choice too. At the very least, you have Old Neil as a role model, so he will make sure the risk of losing control is minimized.

Klein organized his words and gave him his perfect, proper answer.

'I bet he practiced it in front of a mirror or something.'

Dunn massaged his temples and chuckled- I have to say that this is a very reasonable answer that goes beyond my expectations.

He turned halfway as his gray eyes sized up Klein- Continue going out for now. Do not limit yourself to the paths leading from Welch's place to Iron Cross Street. Perhaps you might sense the notebook and help us confirm Ray Bieber's location. Once we do, Irina will tag along.

Irina, being happy of being back in the conversation- Thank you Captain!

The two bade Dunn farewell and turned to leave.

'Here we go~'

Dunn shouted- Hold on.

Irina paused while Klein turned his head and smiled while asking- Captain, is there anything else?

Dunn coughed slightly and said- Well, support Beyonders have to fight their enemies from time to time. Although Seers and History Teachers sound like they can avoid such battles, they are not to be ignored. You have to maintain your shooting skills and work on increasing your strength.

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