-13- Work Injury

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She stumbled back and, losing balance, tripped once her feet failed to find ground as she reached the first stairstep.

'Oh, you've got to be kidding me.'

Just then, a hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, holding her up. Less than a moment after that, she felt herself being tugged forward with great strength. With that, she lost her footing once again and fell to her knees. Irina grumbled a little bit before softly murmuring- I guess it's better here than down the flight of stairs.

She heard a loud scoff from above her; only then did she realize that her savior was still holding onto her- You could say that louder. Just who stands in front of a door without entering?

'Ohhh, I know that voice.'

Irina, absolutely done with the whole day, looked up at the poet- Oh you know, I was just admiring the intricate design on the frame. I just got here, of COURSE, I WAS GOING TO ENTER! Just who the hell opens a door with such force?!

Leonard looked down and slightly smirked- And now you're even shouting at your savior? You're truly unladylike, Irina.

'Oh. He wants to play? Let's play.'

Irina- What can I say, I take after my coworkers. Especially the partners with whom I worked last with.

Leonard tried to butt it yet Irina continued- As you can see, I almost fell down the stairs not long after starting to work as a nighthawk. I heard it's a pretty common occurrence around here, you would know, right?

Leonard's smirk completely disappeared- Hey!

Without saying much more he helped her up and both of them entered the company- By the way, what happened to you? You're covered in bloody bandages. I would assume the item you're holding is connected to your mission.

Irina, back at showing her exhaustion, groaned loudly while looking at the ceiling- It's a long story. For now, I just want to leave this board here and head home. I want a shower, a change of clothes and bandages, and like one month of vacation. The only reason why I'm still standing upright right now is because the painkillers still haven't worn off.

Leonard whistled at her annoyed tone- You've had a long day, you haven't even been out for that many hours-

Irina harshly interrupted him- In those, as you say, "not many hours" I almost died multiple times, thank you. You have an enhanced body compared to mine, I got lucky enough that I didn't die when falling down the third floor or crushed to death by a fuc**** chandelier.

Leonard and Rozanne, who had been secretly listening to their conversation from her desk, both whipped their heads in her direction with the speed of lighting and shouted- WHAT?!

Irina shifted her gaze between them a couple of times before heavily exhaling. She then turned towards the corridor and headed to the only office she wanted to enter right now, Dunn's. She waved her free hand over her head- Look, it's been a long day and I'd much rather be home with some more painkillers right now but, if I don't take care of this board, I'll just keep getting involved in those annoying accidents.

Neither of them stopped her and, instead, stared at one another for a while before Leonard also left the reception to go back to the nighthawks lounge.

Irina forcefully opened the door to the captain's office, uncaring of the possible repercussions. Her gaze swiped the room and she was surprised to find Old Neil in there.

Dunn's reaction was instantaneous. He stood up from his chair with a serious expression, yet, before he could inquire anything, Irina started a short explanation- I hope I didn't interrupt your romantic chat but I have quite the problems on my hands. I can feel the seal I placed slipping more and more each moment that goes by. This board right here is the cause of all the strange occurrences and, most importantly, incidents at the University. It's been steadily growing stronger and it's actively trying to kill people, more specifically, me. I won't survive another fall from the third floor and I'd be more than glad to throw this thing in anyone else's hands.

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