-11- A Normal Week

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Dunn- Let's recap everything. You followed a trail on the ground, one that only you, with your spirit vision, could see. It led to a small run-down mausoleum; on the inside, there was an uncovered tomb with a skeleton hugging the book. It didn't have any special color, nor did you feel any warning from your spirituality. So, you just took the tome written in an ancient language, which, according to your sequences power, dates back to, at least, the Second Epoch. You then went back to the cemetery, also following other trails that led to nothing in particular. That's why it took you so long to reunite with Leonard, who, in the meantime, resolved the appearance of the mysterious humanoid figures.

Irina- Sums it up pretty nicely.

Dunn fixed his gaze on Irina and continued- You do realize just how dangerous that was, right? First of all, who or what left that trail on the ground? Second, you didn't inform Leonard you were going to enter the forest to such an extent. Third, you didn't check the outside of the mausoleum for lurking dangers or rituals. Fourth, an uncovered tomb is not a normal occurrence; you should be wary of such. Fifth, you just took a book that could very well have serious negative effects-

'Aaaaand I just tuned him out. Yeah, no. I'm sorry; I'm not listening to all that. If I were so careful about everything I do, I'd literally lose my mind. Sorry, not sorry, but if I die because of my carelessness, then that's on me. I'm already trying my hardest not to think about certain topics outside of the library; I can't tire myself out that much. I'm no genius.'

Dunn- Are you even listening right now? You kn-

Irina interrupted him before he had the chance to nag her even more- Yes, I know. I understand, but truth be told, nothing happened, right? Also don't forget, I have some sort of protection, right? I have to figure out how it works. I can lead you back to that place if you want so you all can check. I can't give you directions because it's not a straight path, so you'd just have to follow me.

Dunn's gaze didn't leave Irina's for a while; he seemed to be waiting for something. Yet, when nothing happened, he seemed to give up and exhaled softly- Fine, Leonard, go and inform Frye, he'll also be accompanying us. We'll go right after lunch, until then.

Leonard quickly responded- Yes captain.

While Irina just said- Sure think, cap~

Both of them left the office, each one going in different directions.

'Earlier, before entering the carriage and the Security Company, Leonard sang a poet to ensure that I would not attack them. He did the same thing to Klein during the incident at Chanis Gate. Better safe than sorry I guess.'

Irina arrived at the reception and saw Rozanne sitting there as usual- Hello, my beautiful Receptionist~ Just as I promised this morning, here I am. So, about the novel, what do you think?

That evening, inside Alexadria's library, Irina mulled over the day's events.

'Just to keep it on the safe side, I must pay extra care tocoincidences. After lunch, I went back there with Dunn, Leonard, and Frye. It makes sense, as Frye is a Sequence 9 Corpse Collector; the captain wanted to make sure that we weren't meeting any evil spirit and that if we did, we would immediately know. As for what actually happened, there's nothing noteworthy. We searched around for a bit, but we didn't find anything else, so we went back empty-handed. Dunn reported the whole incident to the higher-ups during lunch, and it was requested the tome be sent over for research purposes. So, I guess I won't be seeing it anytime soon.'

Irina repeatedly flipped through a book.

'After coming back, it was pretty late, so I was sent home. Instead, I went to the library and read a couple of history books while also searching for some ancient language books. I didn't find any, but I searched for about 10 minutes before giving up. Tomorrow, I'll ask the librarian; maybe she knows where they are.'

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