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The young, dark-haired man smiled politely. He greeted Irina while taking down his hat to his chest and bowing slightly- Good afternoon, I am Klein Moretti.


Irina laughed awkwardly before replying- G-good afternoon Kl- Mr. Moretti... Uhm... Nice weather.


Klein's smile didn't waver as he replied- Indeed, I was just outside a while ago and the temperature is perfect for a stroll.

'He's silent. Why- SHIT. I have to introduce myself!'

Irina tried her best to compose herself- That must be nice. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Irina, no last name. Sequence 8's History Teacher.

Klein showed a small hint of surprise before asking- Sequence 8's History Teacher? I haven't heard of it.

'He sounds... Normal.'

Irina started to ease while listening to his voice- I believe you talked with Rozanne, is that correct?

Klein gave an affirmative response, that made Irina chuckle lightly- My sequence is peculiar. The church itself doesn't know the potion, I just happened to be a sequence 8. It's kind of a long explanation mixed with some mysteries as well. But no more about me, I believe you do not have a shift today. So, pray tell, why are you here?

'You already talked with Dunn, and had your encounter with Leonard. You also left and chatted with Rozanne... So, why are you here again? What am I forgetting?'

Klein replied without missing a beat- I need to find Captain.

Irina deflated at the absence of any useful information- Alright if that's all you need. That's the door to his office.

Irina indicated behind her, towards the door opposite Orianna's office. Klein did a slight bow before bidding her farewell. Irina went back into the lounge, no longer interested in asking Old Neil for help. She waited and observed Klein entering the captain's office before closing the door.

'That went... well?'

Not long after, she heard the door open and close. A pair of footsteps walked down the hallway and then faintly went down the stairs before disappearing.

'It could have been worse. Much worse.'

Irina threw herself on the sofa, facedown. She hugged the green, decorative pillow and lost herself in her thoughts. She left work in a haze, even forgetting to ask Rozanne when Klein's first official day was going to be.

It wasn't until the next morning that Irina fully registered what had happened.

'Sunday. Today is Sunday. There's a chance Klein will be at work the whole day... Shouldn't he have lessons with Old Neil at the beginning? He'd still need to come and spend the lunch break in the lounge.'

Irina stood up from bed, gathered her courage, and prepared herself for the day ahead.

'Fuc*. It's almost as if I was scared of facing him... Let's just act like a normal coworker, possible friend. But NOT a transmigrator. I don't want to go down that rabbit hole just yet. Klein always worked alone, if I were to interfere too much, there's a chance the whole story will change.'

Irina grumbled while eating her breakfast.

'I... I wasted yesterday's afternoon! I could have don- No. I couldn't; I finished late anyway. Let's hope I'm not forgetting any important event. I still don't remember why he had to come back, and it's not like I have time to go and check the novel now; I start in less than an hour.'

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