-21- Protection

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Once the Nighthawk group reached the carriage Klein looked suspiciously out the window and said- Won't 2-049 affect the ordinary people on the streets?

'Good question. Just from down there till the carriage 6 incidents happened. 2 of which, targeted our deer Seer himself.'

The beautiful, black-haired lady Lorotta explained with a lazy tone- No worries, 2-049 will target humanoid creatures within five meters of it first. The closer you are to it, the easier it is for you to be chosen. As long as there are three people surrounding it, people who happen to be around when the carriage steers past will not be affected.

'Hm... Now that I think about it, it never targeted me.'

Everyone was paying close attention to each other's condition. Only Lorotta wore a carefree look. At times, she took in the sights of Tingen's not-so-clean streets, and at other times, she praised Backlund's underground water system.

'It's better not to say anything. I don't want them to start annoying me about moving to Backlung again.'

Soon after, the carriage stopped in front of an unknown building. The group of six made their way to the third level while constantly observing each other. The door to Ray Bieber's house was labeled with the Tingen Police Department's symbol, indicating that entry was forbidden to unauthorized personnel.

As Dunn did his stretching exercises, he took out a key. He opened the newly changed lock, then turned around, allowing Aiur Harson who was carrying the black chest to enter first.

'Here we go again.'


Thump! Thump! Thump!

The Sealed Artifact in the black chest knocked violently once again, even more violent than before. This made Aiur Harson's arm waver from side to side uncontrollably.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

'Let's test my theory.'

Irina quickly noticed that Dunn's movements were becoming sluggish, but she refrained from waking him up, feigning ignorance. In the corner of her eye, she noticed Klein mirroring the Captain's slowed-down movement.

'Theory confirmed. But I don't like where this is going.'

Irina went to wake them up but Lorotta and Borgia were faster.

Klein hastily questioned the unusual event- Didn't you say that 2-049 can only affect one person at a time?

Aiur Harson said with a mechanical tone- When Sealed Artifact 2-049 enters its berserk mode, it can affect up to two people at once. We can confirm that Ray Bieber is indeed a descendant of the Antigonus family.

Lorota let out a faint laugh. She looked at Klein and said- 2-049 becomes very agitated when it meets a descendant of the Antigonus family, even if only their scent remains. Its abilities would also increase considerably. I believe you would be able to understand its feelings.

Klein asked curiously- So, is it a living creature?

Lorotta smiled but did not reply directly- You'll know in a while. As long as Ray Bieber hasn't escaped Tingen, 2-049 will lead us to him.

Amid the loud and violent thumping from the chest, they locked the door, walked down the stairs, and returned to the carriage.

'No one spared extra glances. I believe they didn't notice it.'

Aiur Harson looked out the window several times and confirmed that there were no pedestrians within a five-meter radius of them. He then placed the black chest on the ground and twisted the mechanical switch to release its spiritual restraints.

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