-15- Eavesdropping

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Irina shouted- I'M SORRY WHO?!

'KLEIN MORETTI?! NOW?! 'the fuck is she talking about! He's supposed to arrive next year or in two years! NOT NOW!'

Royale looked at her full of curiosity and asked- Do you... know him?

'Do I KNOW HIM?! Of course I DO! Wait-'

Irina, realizing her mistake, tried her best to come up with an excuse on the spot- Uhm... SORRY! I was just so surprised, you see... During my mission one month ago, I heard his name in passing, and it kinda stuck with me! Hehe~... Klein has... Klein is... uhm... is the same name as this character in a novel I recently read! I'm quite shy because the novel is 18+ and it features a Harem. I mean... the name is "Men of the Harem" so it's quite self-explanatory. The guy in the story is kinda... you know what type of book I'm talking about! There's no need to go into details unless you're interested in what they do in the special scenes~

Leonard decided to make is presence known by chimming in- What if I was curious about what they do in that scene?'

Irina literally jumped on the sofa at his sudden appearance- W-when did you come in?! You- Th- If you want to read something of that genre, then I have other recommendations for you. I can think of something to fit your style!

'When did he learn to appear out of thin air?!'

Leonard sniggered- That was quite the reaction to "Klein Moretti"~ I can only say I'm curious about someone who shares the same name, as you say. Also, the reason why you became so red in the face; it's quite the rare sigh on you.

'This fuck- NO. Let's calm down, Pallez is still there and I can't risk exposing anything, especially a novel that does not exist in this world.'

Irina slowly calmed herself down while explaining- It simply took me by surprise, nothing more, nothing less. It's also one of the most hm... "detailed" novels I've read in a while. Trust me when I tell you I've read much worse. Regardless, why are you so interested in that man? Anything to tell me, dear poet?

Leonard chuckled lightly- As I said, it was your reaction that piqued my curiosity, not him. Still, I'll take you up on that advice, recommend me something "detailed" as you say. Let's see if those really are as descriptive as you say.

'Oh? He doubts my word? On spicy novels nonetheless?'

Irina smirked at that- Wanna bet pretty boy? How about, I give it to you in a couple of days. There's a catch though; you'll have to read it with me in the same room. It can be here in the lounge, during a slow day. You'll become a tomatoe and I must be there to witness it.

Leonard's interest was piqued- Deal. I doubt It'll be as you say anyway~

'I'll search for the spiciest novel in this entire world, if not, I am willing to rewrite something I read in my previous life. Ain't no way I'm letting him walk free after doubting my skill.'

Irina's smirk grew even more- I'll let you know, I never bet on things I'm not 110% sure I'll win. Let this be your lesson dear poet.

The two's fight continued some more before finally dying out. Irina monopolized one of the couches and lied on it with her legs hanging over the armrest.

Leonard immediately took the opportunity to annoy her once again- See? You're so unelegant for a lady.

Irina looked him over, head to toe with an unpassable gaze. She then took a book from the pile on the coffee table and hid her face under it- Says the one wearing tight black pants and an unbuttoned white shirt. Where is your elegance supposed to be? Sure, you look like a poet; a pretty, broke one to be precise. Not even a speck of jewelry.

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